chapter 1-addison montgomery

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Your mind raced, trying to recall the events of the night before...

"Addie, you dragged me to Seattle with you, just to find out you have a husband?"

"Y/N/N, come on. I told you I'm only here to get the divorce papers signed."

"And I don't believe you. If that was the only thing- you would have told me- your girlfriend- that you were meeting your husband in Seattle." You insisted.

"Y/N, you're being unreasonable that-" You cut her off.

"I'm being unreasonable?" You chuckled. "You say that you're only here for the divorce papers, but that doesn't explain the fact that I saw you kissing him!"

"Y/N you weren't supposed to see that-" You cut her off again.

"Of course I wasn't supposed to see that! So that you could keep your "McDreamy" husband and your side piece? Is that all I am to you?"

"No, babe, you are so much more than that." A tear trickled down her face. Impulsively, you wiped the tear from her cheek.

"If I'm more than that to you, pick me. You have to choose, so choose."

"Don't make me choose between you and him."

"Why? Because you'll choose him?" She didn't answer. Instead, she just stared you dead in the eyes.

"I'm done trying, Addie." You grabbed your stuff and rushed out of the hospital.


It was the next morning. You were in bed, wearing nothing but your bedsheets. You were in a daze. You looked at the woman next to you then back up at the ceiling. You were deep in your thoughts, but the jiggling of the key in the lock snapped you out of your thoughts. A few moments later, Addison came in. Once she saw the scene in front of her, the two coffees in her hand fell to the floor as she stared at you blankly.

"What's going on?" She asked in a monotone voice. This was enough to wake your companion up. "Why is s-she in your bed?" Addison's voice quivered as she pointed at the woman.

"Ugh, what's going on?" The woman held her head in her hands.

"You were just leaving." You instructed her. Quickly, the woman got up, gathered her belongings and left. Now, Addison was ready to explode.

"We have one bad night- one! And you just decide to go sleep with another woman?"

"I told you, Addison, I'm done."

"You cheated!"

"I didn't cheat because I broke up with you! You chose him, so I left! I made it easy for you by walking away!"

"I didn't choose him! I chose you!"

"Really, then where'd you go to bed last night?"

"I- I-" She stuttered.

"That's what I thought. Now get the fucking hell out of my apartment."

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