When two meet

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Jettes POV

"Jette!" I heard Mick shouting from downstairs. He seemed to be exited today, that must be why he was ready so fast. "Come on, lets go. I don't want to be late!" He shouted with all he got. "Chill Mick! Im almost ready!" I replied trying not to sound annoyed.
I am actually quite glad he is the way he is. We have always been close, a lot of people thought we dated too, but we are just inseparable siblings. And that is from that very day i was born. We don't have those big sibling fights, we just understand each other well. He also taught me a lot of Gokart driving. Mick and my dad, Michael, are the reason i even got to W-Series, and im incredibly grateful.
A last touch of highliter, a spritz of perfume, and a last ouch up of my hair. I hurry down the stairs, and on my way down, i almost trip over my long, flowery patterned skirt that goes down to my shoes. My matching cropped, fluffy shirt was a size too big so i had to make sure i don't loose the straps while running down. Great start. I put my shoes on and took a quick picture of my outfit while i heard Mick talk to our mom. I love our mom.


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↪️ @Jette.Schumacher: ❤️❤️❤️

@Mick.Schumacher: Come on, lets goooo!!!!

↪️ @Jette.Schumacher: im ready

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Mick and I sat quietly in the car. There was the presence of awkwardness, but it was comfortable. „You exited to meet the guys?" mick asked me. Exited? EXITED? Of course i was exited! I was a nervous wreck, anytime, anywhere, anyhow. The only moment i wasn't is when im in race mode. „Jeah" was all i got out of my mouth. That bright grin was really stuck on Micks face today. „Don't be nervous Jay, you will love them!" The black porche was heating the car by its own, so we rolled down the windows and i stuck my hand out. That was so much fun. Feeling the summer air against your hand and the feeling of being one with the wind. The ride wasn't long. We stepped out the car and Mick took my arm to help me out. Security escorted us through a huge, and probably very expensive building. The finest of food and flowers, plenty of lovers, the moon shining through the sparkling clear windows. So perfect. And Me? I was here to may or may not get drunk, Just so im not a nervous wreck.We'll see about that.
I almost fell again, ok maybe twice. Maybe i should make this skirt shorter. I was stuck in my thoughts when i noticed we arrived at a big door. „Here we are" said the security man, and started opening the wide, specially carved, dark brown door. It sounded heavy, thats was for sure.
From inside i could hear loud music and I saw a beautiful room. I would love to dance in here, but i can't dance so maybe i should just not. „Wow" a thought escaped my mouth and mick looked at me. „It is beautiful" he replied. A person came up to us, „Hey Mick! You are here!" it was niko hülkenberg; former German and good friend of Mick. A happy look on his face welcomed me. „You must be Jette! I've heard about you, not only from your brother but also from the news. Good Job on the race last week!" What a nice human being. „Thank you!" i replied. „Come on Mick, lets grab a drink" niko said. And so they left, and i just stood there. I looked around trying to find anyone i could possibly talk to, and soon a tall and very nicely dressed woman came up to me. „Hey im Kelly Piquet, but just call me kelly. You must be Jette, micks sister right?" i was startled, how did they all know who i was? Were they not way too busy with their Formula 1 work to care about W-Series? „Jeah, thats me haha"
God. how. Embarrassing.
„Don't worry, we are all very exited to meet you!"
„thanks Kelly". She took me by my arm and pulled me over to a corner of the room. „These are the girl-„ she was cut off by a manly voice „come on guys lets all sit together!" Oh. My. God. Thats was George Russel. One of my all time fav drivers. We all sat down and started talking, Mick introduced me to some people. Charles, Carlos, George, and Daniel. I loved them all, every person was so unique and interesting. Daniels humor was just like mine, i feel like we get along well. Everyone had a couple drinks, except the person who originally wanted to get drunk. Me. Everyone was just too interesting. Their experiences, worries, happy places. This was great! All the couples started dancing after some time. Dang, that made me feel lonely. I never had a boyfriend or anything. So i just sat down with the rest of the guys that were, as i would guess, single just like me. We were talking about futures and how we got into racing. They were actually really interested in my past and experiences. That was shocking, usually no one really cared. Of course it was because i was a women. „Hey guys, sorry i was in the bathro" he looked over at me sitting where, i would guess, he sat before „....om" he ended his sentence. „Oh sorry" i said while getting up. „No, no, no problem" he responded gesturing me to sit down again. I just sat down. Did i just get mesmerized by his dang eyes? Whoa he was pretty. He's kind. My brain was floating for a second.  He sat next to George and daniel. „I guess you guys already talked?" i just nodded, WHY WERE MY WORDS GONE. „Im Lando Norris, nice to meet you".  what a cool name. „Jette Schumacher" i said while smiling at this boy sitting there. „Micks sister? Do you race?" wha whoa what? So he actually wanted to know something about me? „Jeah im Micks sister, and Yes, I race in W-Series." „Whoa thats so cool! You must be a good driver then!" A COMPLIMENT, BY A F1 DRIVER, WHAT. „I was born into racing so, haha". And we talked and talked. Until he got up, Grabbed my hand and said; „Lets dance!" „I can't dance!" was my first response. „Neither can i, but two negatives equal a positive!" I started laughing and he pulled me over to the dance floor . We started dancing, but i kept on stepping on my long skirt, and when he noticed, he grabbed below the top of my skirt and held it up. For a second i wished he would've held my hips. I don't even know this guy! But whoa, he did something to me.

Daniels POV:

"Jette and Lando seem to get along well" I said pointing over to them. George looked over and responded "those two are gonna get together i swear". We both laughed, but at the volume the music was at, you couldn't even hear yourself.

Jettes POV:

I guess I didn't need alcohol tonight, i got drunk on Love.

Authors note:
Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading through my story.
This story was originally not going to have a second part and only be a Oneshot, but let me know if you would be interested in a part 2!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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