5. American Nightmare

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(The Cambion and the Thunderbird)

After pounding into the door of that tiny office for almost an hour, Calliope and Dysnomi broke apart with one last, lingering kiss. Calliope felt like Dysnomi was certain that he would never get to see her again. She could remember the feelings he had felt, which had flooded her mind earlier that day–the way that he cared about her, yet was content with letting her go...

He must know something... Calliope thought. I just wish I knew what it is. It seems like he's trying really hard to keep it down.

After Calliope and Dysnomi fixed their clothes and hair, Calliope leaned against the desk, trying to find something to say so that it didn't feel awkward between them.

He's probably done this with plenty of women since I've known him, Calliope thought. I mean, the human women alone fawn all over him and his... 'magic tricks.' There's no telling how many Supernaturals he's been with, either.

'Magic tricks... Those are the most disrespectful words for power as great as his,' the phoenix spirit said in her mind.

I know, Ember, but that's what the humans think his powers are–magic tricks, Calliope thought in response.

The only thing that came out of her parched mouth toward Dysnomi was, "...We're friends. We can't..." before she looked away, feeling annoyed with herself. She looked at him, then away again, hoping that he wouldn't notice. He did, though.

"I just hope you know, Calli... I've never used my charms on you. I mean... I tried," he admitted. Then, he laughed, sounding like her friend again. "Oh, believe me, I fucking tried. And it wasn't even about hooking up with you. Though, I'd be a liar if I said I haven't wanted to do that since Day One. It was more... Well, I wanted you to like me, even just a little. You seemed like you couldn't fucking stand me when we first met, and it just made me want to impress you even more." He was pacing across the small office, running a hand through his hair. All Calliope wanted then was to be the one running her hands through his hair, feeling his golden locks slipping between her fingers like silk...

"You look so much like Alucard right now. The Castlevania version, obviously," Calliope joked, managing to get a shallow laugh from Dysnomi. "I like it," she continued. "And, for the record, I did like you when we met. All I really wanted was for you to stop trying so hard to impress me. I wanted you to know the real me, and I wanted to know the real you. Your abilities—as amazing as they are—have never impressed me, Dys. But, you impress me because you're amazing, funny, and... surprisingly caring for someone who always pretends to be an asshole."

Despite himself, Dysnomi laughed and shook his head. Just like that, he was back to being her friend. He tilted his head to one side, giving her a long, scrutinizing stare. "So... I look like the Castlevania version of Alucard, huh?" he asked. She nodded in response.

Dysnomi looked like he was debating with himself about something, and he hesitated, at first. Then, he smirked like he had made up his mind.

The air glimmered around Dysnomi, light dancing in it, the rainbow colors blocking out Calliope's view... Then, she heard, "So, you have a thing for guys with long blonde hair and porcelain white skin?" His voice sounded different, so she squinted to see what image he was projecting.

"...Whoa, that's amazing, Dys! It's the perfect Alucard mirage!" she gasped. Then, she said, "And to answer your question, I'll just let you guess who my favorite Lord of the Rings character is."

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