The Ignorant Garden

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"Hey there, Im 'Bobby Bliss!' Mascot and little rascal of 'Bliss Tech,' and you have a problem. It annoys you and your family, just won't leave you alone, and keeps you up all night in the most terrible of pain. That's right, I'm talking about your memories. embarrassing moments that just make y'all red in the cheeks. And sometimes we're naughty and make bad decisions that make people upset at us, And we just feel awful about it. Wouldn't it be swell if we didn't have to keep carrying around all these memories with us, what a relief that would be. Well lucky for you, 'Bliss Tech' has the solution, come on in to one of your local 'Bliss Banks' and we'll carry those heavy memories for you, so that you don't have too; just consider them gone for good! Why, when you get done at one of our locations, you'll be as happy and carefree as me! We even work with the government officials in our 'Prisoner Rehabilitation Program.' So what do you say, come on down and visit us, here in 'Echo City!'

Tyson's boot fell down hard on the monitor, causing it to crack under the force. The cheery voice of the red cheeked, little boy mascot "Bobby Bliss" died out with the image, only leaving the dead, colorfully assorted pixels on the cracked screen. Tyson paid no mind to the broken piece of old outdated tech which lay on the floor cracked and broken from the former raid of the Bliss Tech store. A far younger Peter came to his side from the double glass doors of the storefront and looked around at the trashed room and scattered shelves, wincing at the crushed screen under Tysons boot.

"Did you really have to smash the face of their beloved mascot?" he said. Tyson stepped off the monitor and continued walking deeper into the store. "I hate that annoying little brat." he said. Peter unclipped the scanner of his belt and pressed the green button on the handle. "You know he's not real you old fart," he said as the scanner began to emit a blue light of film that scanned over the area; even a child could operate the device. "Come again?" Tyson asked, now holding his own scanner as it searched the room. "I said that he's not real. It's just a cartoon character with some guy doing a silly voice."


"And, I don't see why you gotta be so angry about some silly little character."

"His smile is off putting and his voice is like sandpaper on my ears. I probably would rather have sandpaper on my ears than listen to that boy talk for a minute longer."

"But it's not a boy, remember, it's just a voice actor."

"You must be real fun to watch movies with Peter"

"Well I normally watch movies alone, but the captain was telling me-" his words were cut off by a beeping that began to emit from his scanner. "Hot dog! We got a trail." he said pointing down at the small screen embedded in the scanner. The screen was showing a trail of "DNA" or something like that, Peter didn't really know. But he did know that it meant they were closer to finding the bad guys who ransacked the store. "Hot dog?" Tyson asked, his scanner also picking up the trail " where'd you pick up that phrase from?"

"Haven't you ever seen 'Food Wars' before?"

"Never even heard about it." Peter could slap his partner in the face right now if his mind wasn't in the right place.

"'Food Wars' is only the best show in the entire city! Where the different restaurant chains come together to fight the invading raider gangs attacking Echo City. Everytime The Happy Hot dog, dog, you know from the billboards, sniffs something out he exclaims 'hot dog, we got a trail!' In fact it was that show which inspired me to become an officer when I was younger."

"How old is the show now?"

"Just about two years before I was born, so it's in its twenty-sixth season now."

"twenty-sixth! No wonder I haven't heard of it, the shows barely got any episodes to binge!"

"Well sure it's not very bingeable but it's rewatchability is great. I mean, I've seen the first three seasons ten times now."

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