1. Cold Hearted

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It was Y/N's first day as an official wrestler on the AEW roster. She had been on Dark for the past month, and Tony Khan had decided that she is ready for her Dynamite debut.

As she was on her way to Tony's office, Y/N passed several other wrestlers, some she knew, others who she didn't. There were a few who stuck out to her, though. Those people being 'The Spanish God' Sammy Guevara and his annoying girlfriend Tay Conti. She had fought Tay on her first AEW Dark match, and Tay, obviously losing, ran to her boyfriend. After this followed a 3-minute make out session between Sammy and Tay.

When Y/N reached Tony's office the door was already open, and Tony allowed her to come in. She shut the door behind her and took a seat. "Y/N, welcome! Its exciting to be here isn't it?"

"Yeah, it really is! Thank you for giving me an opportunity to wrestle in such a wonderful place, Tony". Y/N had responded. Tony looked through a few of his notes for the show, looking for where he put the note about Y/N's first TV appearance. "Ah, okay so Y/N tonight you are making your debut with Team Taz. However, I could not find you an opponent for tonight, so your first match will be on Rampage". Tony informed her of what she will be doing, joining Team Taz.

Tony was a busy man, so after his brief meeting with Y/N he ushered her out of his office. Y/N was left alone in the halls of the arena they were at that night. She decided the best decision she could make was to locate her new team members. The wrestlers usually hung out in catering before a show, so that's where she headed first.

When Y/N walked into catering, she didnt see anyone from Team Taz, that was until she heard the voice of Ricky Starks. She walked towards his voice, hoping that the others are there. When she walked over, she found all of Team Taz talking with eachother, ignoring the girl standing next to them. "Hello?" Y/N had sort of whisper yelled at the boys, which only got one's attention. Hook stared right at her.

Hook got everyones attention, and now all eyes were on Y/N. She felt the urge to just run away from them, but Ricky flashed her a small smile, making her feel slightly more comfortable. With slight confidence, she spoke, "Tony told me that I would be joining you guys, um, I guess I'm the new member of Team Taz".

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