2. Quiet Guy

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"I'm the newest member of team taz"

Y/N was met with the boys around her saying things such as, "You're who Tony was talking about?" or things like, "Welcome to the team". Everyone was smiling and talking to her, everyone except for Hook. Y/N couldn't help to notice how he hadn't said anything, just sat there as if nothing was happening. She wondered if he even cared about there being a new member.

"Y/N?" She snapped out of her thoughts, brought back to reality by Ricky. "I have a match later, you could come out with me, make your team taz debut," He suggested. She nodded her head in agreement.

After Y/N had changed, it was time for Ricky's match. They were behind the curtain, Ricky with the FTW championship in his hand. His opponent, Keith Lee, already in the ring. As Ricky's music started, they both walked out, the crowd erupting as they spot Y/N behind Ricky.

After a grueling match between Keith Lee and Ricky Starks, Ricky came out on top. As Y/N and Ricky made their way back up the ramp, Danhausen appeared seemingly out of nowhere. "Ricky, what the hell is going on?" Y/N whispered to him as Danhausen grabbed a microphone and got in the ring. "I have no fucking clue," He responded.

Y/N was backstage watching the vent happeningnin the ring. Danhausen called Hook out to the ring, attempting to curse him again, but failing miserably. In the end, Danhausen offered Hook a bag of Doritos, which he happily accepted, but not without knocking Danhausen off his feet.

Dynamite was almost over, Taz had called everyone into catering. Everyone meaning Will, Ricky, Hook and Y/N. When Y/N finally reached catering, the only seat left was next to hook, who was eating the Doritos from Danhausen. Taz was just talking about how well Ricky did, and how he thought Hook's little scuffle with Danhausen really got the crowd excited. He was rambling, boring everyone there, but they listened anyway. Hook slightly nudged Y/N's arm, getting her attention. She looked at him as he scooted the chip bad toward her, quietly speaking, "You can have one if you want," smiling softly.

Y/N smiled back as she accepted the chip from him. Taz decided it was time they headed back to the hotel, which was perfectly fine with Y/N. She was exhausted from the long day. Exhausted, but satisfied with how the night went. Before she left to go to her car, Y/N made sure to get everyone's phone number, just in case.

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