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Why hello there! My name is Spruceflight and this is an OC rater, where I rate your guys' OCs!! 

Name: Self explanatory

Reason For Name: Why did the kit-bearer give them this particular prefix, and why did the medicine cat/leader give them that suffix?

Gender: Self explanatory

Sexual and romantic orientation: Yes, they are different things. Look them up if needed.

Age (moons): Self explanatory

Age at death: How many moons old was your OC when they died

Cause of death: What caused your OC to die?

Rank: Is your cat a kit, apprentice, warrior, queen, deputy, leader, medicine cat, medicine cat apprentice, elder, or something else?

Tribe, Group, or Clan: If it's custom, then give a brief explanation of the territory and values.

Basic Appearance: This should include a pelt color, eye color, and any markings

Detailed Appearance: This should include a detailed pelt description, eye color, build, fur length, tail length, any scars or notable markings, and any other notable things

Personality: How would their clanmates describe this cat?

Mother: This should include a name, if alive or dead, brief appearance, brief personality

Father: This should include a name, if alive or dead, brief appearance, brief personality

Siblings: This should include a name, if alive or dead, brief appearance, brief personality

Mate/Crush: This should include a name, if alive or dead, brief appearance, brief personality. Add any former mates or crushes as well

Kits: This should include a name, if alive or dead, brief appearance, brief personality. Add a number next to each kit to signify which litter they are from (1, 2, 3)

Mentor: This should include a name, if alive or dead, brief appearance, brief personality

Apprentice: This should include a name, if alive or dead, brief appearance, brief personality

Fears: What is their biggest fear? What keeps them up at night? 

Strengths: What are they the best at? What are they amazing at?

Likes: What do they enjoy?

Dislikes: What do they not enjoy?

Weaknesses: What is their soft spot? Their weakness? Their Achilles Heel?

Backstory: How did your OC come to be?


Theme Song: Name a song or two that describes your cat

Quote: What's a thing your cat says a lot, or a well-known quote? (Think Lionheart's "a paw in each world")

Interesting facts: What are some cool things I should know?

Voice: Is it high and squeaky or low and grumpy? What does it remind you of?

Scent: What does your cat smell like?


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