Chapter1:Where is Air?

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"Air? Where is air?" I asked, also confused on what happened.
"I don't care, but this is cool!" Rick announced igniting his hand in a firey glove. Although, Chuck and I were to busy making mud. You heard me, mud.

All we had to do was for Chuck to summon some dirt and for me to add water to it. Then we threw it at Rick.

"Hey! That's rude!" Rick shouted.
"Not for me and Chuck."
"It's still mean!" Rick shouted again, humor adding to his tone of voice.

More conversation occurred, but that will take hours to explain. I will tell you interesting part.

"Where IS air?And who?" Rick asked, very confused on the situation.
"Yeah, who is air?" Asked Chuck, also confused.
"I dunno, but we better find him or her. Because I think if we don't, we'll all die.

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