You get in a car crash and lose your memory part 2

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Calum: "Y/n," he stuttered "It's me, please say you remember me." You looked at him closely and tried with all your might to remember but nothing, not even a spark of a clue of who this boy could be. "Come one, you have got to remember." He said sounding desperate. You looked away not being able to look at him in the face knowing that you were the cause of his heart broken expression. You herd him sigh and the sound of him sitting back down. A few minutes of silence was interrupted when you could hear someone humming, looking back you noticed it was the boy. Although he was humming you could tell you had a very nice voice closing your eyes you let the humming be the only thing you were aware of. You felt his name come into your head, "Calum?" you said more as a question then a statement, "Y/n! You remember me!" he said standing back up, "Not really, sorry, just your name, but I think you humming made your name pop into my head" "Then I shall continue humming and singing until you fully remember me, how does that sound?" "That's fine with me"


Ashton : You agreed to allow your so called boyfriend into the room with you. At first it was awkward. Awkward for you as this boy who was apparently your boyfriend was really attractive, even with his own cuts and scratches, you had been informed he had been in the same crash, this must be a trick, how did someone like you get someone like him? Awkward for him as his girlfriend doesn't remember him. "So you don't remember me?" he asked awkwardly. "No, and to be honest I think this is trick, why would you want to be my boyfriend?" "It's not a trick! And I ask my self the same question everyday... but opposite... why would you want to be my girlfriend? You are perfect and it seems I am going to convince you" "What makes you think you can convince me?" "I've done it before, now y/n will you allow me to take up the following missions, one to get your memory back and two, be an amazing boyfriend who convinces his girlfriend they are perfect?" "Yes. I'd love to see how you are going to convince me, I'm not sure you can" "I love a challenge,"


Michael: Soon after the encounter you were put into therapy where you were given simple tasks to do to get your memory back. The thing was you had no memories but you could remember most things. For example you couldn't tell anyone who your school best friend was but you could tell people what the capital of France was. You had information with out context. Slowly your memories were coming back, but in order, first you got your childhood memories then your school memories. Although Michael wanted to by your side constantly during the process everyone could see it was breaking his heart. His family and friends convinced him to go on tour with the others, due to the speed you were recovering it would take a while for you to remember him. However, they were wrong. It was about 10 days into the tour when your memories of him came back. You needed to be with him right away. You traveled with out telling anyone but his management who swore their secrecy; they said he needed cheering up. You went to his hotel room where he answered the door when you knocked, "Hello you, it's been a while since I've seen my brother" you said making fun of yourself, at first he thought you were serious but when he saw you burst into laughter he realized. "You aren't funny Y/n" "I am! You should have seen your face!" he didn't respond, he just wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly.


Luke: As soon as he could, Luke was by your side. "How long have we been together?" you asked him, "About 8 months" he replied, "I wish I could remember those 8 months, maybe more! They can't pin point when my memories stop" "I have an idea" he said walking off then returning with a laptop, "You tweet constantly everyday; you say it's like your mini diary. The fans love it as it keeps them up to date when ever you are with me" "That's good! Maybe I secretly knew I would lose my memory!" You both sat there going through your twitter looking at each tweet and each photo but 8 months worth of tweets when you tweet everyday is a large amount of tweets. "Luke we don't have to do this you know, I'm sure you have better things to do with your life" "We do have to do this and I don't, my main priority is getting your memory back I don't care how long it takes. Then again sooner rather then later would be nice." After a few hours you found a tweet you remembered, you managed to find out you had lost a year and a half of memories. You knew with work you could get that year and a half back. If not, you always had you mini twitter diary to look back over. You can tell yourself and Luke had a great time together from the pictures, you couldn't wait to make new memories with him.


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