What to Expect

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Now that you've taken the time to read my wish list, I'll give you an outline of what to expect. 

1. Zoom Call: I would like to meet and discuss your story (if I choose it) over a Zoom call or two! It is much easier for me to understand the foundation of your story if I can put a face to a name and get to know the mentee. 

However, if you are uncomfortable with that, we don't have to do it. 

2. Google Docs: This is how the editing will be done. Sadly, I can't make any exceptions to this one. Google Docs makes commenting and editing much easier than sending me a Word document via email. 

3. Honesty and Motivation/Support: As a writer, nothing fuels you more than honesty. I would not be where I am today had someone told me my writing was good enough and didn't need improvement. Every writer has room for improvement no matter which stage you're at (i.e., writing your first story or your fourth one). I will not lie for the sake of your feelings. 

I will be brutally honest with you through constructive criticism. With that, also comes motivation. I believe that all stories have potential, which is why there's always room for improvement! We all have our reasons for writing a story. The fact that you were/are brave enough to post them for the public to read speaks volumes! Don't let constructive criticism dampen your style or make you think you're not a good writer. I know it can be hard to hear it sometimes, but I promise you, it is only to improve your writing and not a strike against your character! 

4. Fairness: YOU are the writer. Although I'm here to help guide you, the story is still yours. Make sure to tell me where you want this story to go. Make sure to disagree with me if you think something needs to stay or be removed from the story. You and I will work together to enhance this story and bring your characters to life!

5. Character Development: This is a major component of your story. I believe that in order to create a good story, there needs to be a balanced, well-thought out version of character development. It will make your story more relatable to readers, and help with the overall flow of the storyline. This will be a main focus of mine when editing. 

6. Dialogue: Dialogue is a key factor in a good story. Each character speaks differently. Perhaps it's an accent, the choice of vocabulary-- whatever it is, each character needs their unique voice. Conversations also have to make sense! This is another factor I will focus on. 

7. Timing: If we do a Zoom call, it will either be early in the morning or later in the evening. I have a job, as well as my own duties to Wattpad. For clarification, I live in the Pacific Time Zone (British Columbia, Canada). Edits will also be done during this time.

8. Respect: There must be a mutual respect between each other.

Some Notes:

- I will not rewrite your story for you. 

- I will not edit line-by-line. I am here to help with the overall plot and character development.

- I will not do copy-edits. There are apps such as Grammarly that can aid you in this. 

Submissions are open from May 6th to May 15th! I can't wait to see which stories are put forward! Don't forget to check out the Wattys Bootcamp page! https://www.wattpad.com/user/BootcampMentors 

Wattys 2022 Bootcamp MentorWhere stories live. Discover now