Damsel in Distress

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Grayson Group of Hotels,

The housekeeping department changed the bedsheet and cleaned Aries's suite. "What to do with this?" The maid picked Aries's white shirt and asked the other.

"Throw it in the trash! Mr Grayson never repeats shirts!" The other answered, rolling her eyes.


Cara was walking down the street, completely dazzled by her own thoughts. She was now kicked out of her job again and she did not know what she was gonna eat tonight. She continued to walk aimlessly when a hand possessively held her forearm, yanking back and saving her from an approaching high-speeding lorry.

"Are you crazy? You're walking on the running road!" The officer growled in her face but realised she was crying and his tone softened. "Are you alright, lady? Do you need some help?" He asked politely.

Cara looked up at him through hazel eyes and nodded. "Thank you for saving me." She said, her voice came out broken and the officer knitted his eyebrows, leaving her arms.

"Are you sure? You don't look good," He said in his deep voice.

"I lost my job!" She lowered her head and the officer could count her tears as she started sobbing again.

"It was just a job! Calm down, I'm certain you'll find another one!" He tried to cheer her.

"Do you know how hard is it to survive in this city without a job?" Cara snapped at him, raising an eyebrow, but quickly covered her mouth, realising it was a police officer she has just misbehaved with.

The officer smiled at her action, staring into her hazel eyes that went wide. "I do realise it's hard to survive here without a job. I was trying to cheer you up." He said.

"I know. I'm sorry!" She apologised and looked down, averting her gaze from him. "It's just... it was a hard day for me."

"I understand!" The cop smiled. "But when you're on the road, pay attention to your surroundings. Your life is precious." He said and Cara looked up at him.

"My life is precious!" She smiled bitterly but didn't voice her feeling. "I'll be careful next time." She said. "Thank you, officer."

"Take care," He said and turned to walk away.

Cara stood in her place and wiped her tears, taking a deep breath. "My little girl is the strongest!" She recalled her father's encouraging words and as she took the first step forward, she heard the officer calling her. Cara stopped in her track and looked back at him.

"Hey!" The officer jogged in her direction. "I think I've something for you." He said and Cara knitted her eyebrows, watching him taking out a card from his wallet. "You can try for a job here with my reference." He said and handed her a card.

Cara blinked her eyes several times, couldn't believe that the universe was favouring her for the first time in so many years, and she took the card from him. "Thank you so much, officer!"

"It's alright. Just tell them Keith Wilson has sent you and the rest is assured." He said and turned to walk away while a gigantic smile spread on Cara's lips as her hazel eyes read the name of the company.


Aries joined his grandmother for lunch. "You're twenty-eight, Aries! Perfect age to get married." She pestered him while he calmly took a bite of chicken, listening to her.

"I've shortlisted some girls for you and you're going on a date with them. You need to settle down now. I want to play with your kids!" she said, and Aries glanced into her dreamy eyes and sighed, realising she was daydreaming again.

"Grandma, I don't need to get married to give you grandkids. Just tell me how many you want?" He smirked, and his grandmother smacked his biceps, glaring at him.

"Why are you not excited about getting married?" She asked. "Not ready to say goodbye to your playboy status?"

"Women are not trustworthy. For example, my mom! The biggest bitch of all time!" He said clutching the fork, anger dripping from his eyes.

Grandma stared at him with a worried expression and put her hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly, and his eyes snapped back to her. The storm in his eyes died slowly, and a smirk stretched on his lips.

"How can I share my life with someone I can't trust?" He asked, his cold eyes exposing the void space of his heart.

"Not all women are the same, Aries! I can find a nice girl for you if you trust me, of course." His grandma chuckled.

"You're the only one I trust, but still a big no. I'm not ready to settle down right now." He said and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"What about that model you're dating these days? Aren't you serious about her?" His grandma inquired.

Aries gave an amused smile. "We have an arrangement!" He said to keep it short and simple, not going into much detail.

"Arrangement?" She lifted her eyebrows when his phone rang up.

"Just a minute!" He said, taking the call from his office.

"Okay, I'll meet them at the party." He said and disconnected the call, taking a sip of his juice. "I really need to go, grandma!" He rose from his chair and kissed her cheeks. "But I'll visit again. Take care."

"Be ready at eight. We are going to a party." He texted his girlfriend, Sasha Lewis.


Keith reached his lavish penthouse, took a quick shower after the long working day, and changed into a pair of grey shorts and a white t-shirt. He slouched down on the red couch with a glass of wine and turned on the television.

He was watching a series on Netflix and an accident on the television screen reminded him of the girl he met earlier. Keith took out his phone and called someone. "Hey! There might come a girl tomorrow and give you my reference. Hire her." He directed.

"What's her name?" The person on the other side asked.

"Umm... I didn't ask her name!" He answered. "But she'll give my reference. Make sure she is hired." He disconnected the call and took a sip of his wine.


Cara opened the door of her apartment and slumped down with a thud on the old worn-out couch, throwing her head back. The humiliation she faced at the restaurant brought tears to her eyes. Life has never been fair to her ever since she was thrown out in the middle of the night four years back.

She had no friend or place to go as the demons of her past chased her away. New city, unknown roads and a heart full of grief wandered on the road aimlessly hoping to find a kind heart and it finally ended when she came before a car and got into an accident.

The driver was a twenty-three year old travel blogger Lily Morgan, who was drunk when she hit her. Cara woke in the hospital the next morning and Lily begged her not to file a complaint against her and Cara put a condition to take her in. Though Lily took her home but Cara was merely a servant and she did everything to please her, but once she was completely healed, Lily asked her to take up some job and share the bills.

Now, that the demons have tracked her down again, it was Cara's fifth job which she lost because of them and she knew she was going to face Lily's wrath once she is back from Paris as she was failing to pay her share for few months now.

Cara was massaging her temples when she heard the doorbell and was startled sitting straight. Her living room was pitch dark, and she swallowed hard as the doorbell continuously rang, and the next second her phone started vibrating in her jeans.

She quickly took it out, only to find Sandra's name flashing on the screen. She received the call, and Sandra blasted her ear from the other side. "Why the fuck aren't you opening the damn door?"

"Uh.. oh okay!" Cara dashed to open the door and Sandra frowned at her walking inside.

"I'm sorry!" Cara murmured as she saw Sandra throwing her sling bag on the couch and turning to her.

"Why aren't you taking my calls? I've been calling you like crazy!" she snapped.

"I needed some time to clear my head." Cara answered and sat next to her on the couch.

"Have you eaten?" Sandra asked, but before Cara could answer, the doorbell rang again. "Bet you haven't!" She shook her head and moved to open the door while Cara tried to peek. Sandra turned to her with a broad smile on her face, "Pizza!! Come on... come on" she exclaimed and Cara's stomach growled in response.

They talked about random things over pizza and Sandra didn't pick the topic of the woman at the restaurant to upset her more. "I met someone today," Cara said, and Sandra raised an eyebrow. "A police officer. He saved me from an accident." She looked up, taking a bite of her pizza.

"Accident?" Sandra looked at her. "Are you alright?" She asked, and Cara nodded her head when Sandra shot her next question. "Was he handsome? Tell me the details, bitch!" Sandra narrowed her eyes.

"He certainly was! Tall, about six feet, black hair, mesmerising blue eyes...." she continued.

"Fucking angel!" Sandra cut her off and Cara chuckled for the first time in the entire day.

"Indeed!" Cara smiled. "Oh, yes!" She took out the business card Keith gave to her and showed it to Sandra. "He said I can get a job here."

Sandra knitted her eyebrows, reading the name of the Ascent Group and looked up at Cara. "This is one of the top ten companies in this country!"

Cara's face instantly dropped as she could not risk working in any reputable company. "What will I do now? This job was my last hope!" She said, her voice choked.

"Then go for it!" Sandra said, but Cara slowly shook her head. "Look, Cara! I don't know what happened in your past, nor do you tell me, but you can't let it ruin your present or future. You have to be strong now."

"You don't understand, Sandra!" Cara said. "I didn't choose this life for me. This life has chosen me! And I can't do anything about it!" She sighed.

"Calm down!" Sandra rubbed her arm when she got a call from a friend.

"Hey, Tom! What's up?" She smiled.

"Okay! I'm up for the night." She answered and her eyes shifted to Cara. "One more? Okay!" She ended the call and turned to Cara.

"I don't know what you gonna do tomorrow, but I've a job for you tonight!" Sandra grinned, staring at Cara.

"What job?" Cara asked.

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