Chapter 7

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 Week 9

Ever since you figured out you are falling in love with Florence everything makes more sense, the tingling sensation in your stomach every time your skin touches hers, how every time she looks at you you get all nervous and your breath hitch when she smiles at you. You are falling and you are falling hard.

It's the middle of May now and you can't believe it's been more than two months since the pandemic started. Florence already rented the house at Lake Tahoe and you are leaving in two weeks. You have no idea if Florence is gonna invite someone else but a tiny part in front of you hopes she doesn't. You just want algo spend as much time with her as possible before she moves out. You know that there is absolutely no way Flo will feel the same way, like no way. She is your friend and she has been your friend since you were 17, you're 24 now it's been 7 years of friendship. It's basically impossible for her to like you back. You know you need to push your feelings aside before it's too late. Although you are trying your best to do that you are someone that feels a lot so you are finding it very hard.

You are driving through the streets of Beverly Hills when you finally arrive at your destination. You park outside the gorgeous white mansion and get out of the car. You ring the doorbell of the house and hear a cat meowing inside. A couple of seconds later the door opens revealing your tall friend smiling at you.

"Hi Taylor!" You say giving her a hug. She is taller than you so huggin her is always confronting.

"Hi Y/n come in" she says letting you inside the house. You walk behind her towards her backyard where you see the table set and some cookies and coffee there. You love going to Taylor's house and seeing all her awards there but also the simplicity of her house, seeing all the Grammy's there is always exciting.

You first met Taylor at her Red tour back in 2012. You went with Sophie and Maisie, in 2014 she asked you to be part of her Bad Blood music video and have been friends ever since. You sit down at the small table and grab a cookie.

"So how has quarantine been?" She asks you kindly.

"Well I think it has been hard for everyone but I'm thankful to be with Florence so it's not all bad." You tell her. "How about you?" You ask her.

"Same I guess, Joe and I have basically now watched all of Netflix and we actually spend a lot of time drinking by the pool." She says laughing and you totally get her.

"How's your family and your mom?" you ask her knowing the health issues Andrea has.

"They are all alright, my mom is good and I check on her as often as I can." She tells you drinking some coffee. "How about yours?" she asks you.

"They are all okay, thankfully." you say smiling at her.

You catch up on your lives. She called you because she has a proposition for you and you have been patiently waiting to hear what she has to say. You still listen to her and you have a lovely chat. "So I need your help." she says suddenly.

"What is it?"

"I'm writing an album." she tells you and you look at her confused.

"An album?" you ask her shocked.

"Yes an album. I'm halfway through it but I have a problem." she tells you and you ignore the fact that she says she has a problem and focus on the I'm writing an album part.

"Wait hold on. You're writing an album? You released Lover last year." you tell her still very confused.

"Come on, I'll show you." she says smiling and entering the house. It only takes you a couple of seconds but you follow her excitedly. Excitement comes rushing in when you realize you are about to hear new music from her before anyone else.

Falling For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora