Chapter 6

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Hazel P,O,V

its been 5 Days and lilly is walking and Mason and me are closer then ever Carl and lilly talk a lot I don't like that cuz Carl is a manwhore he had sex with Emma and now they don't talk anymore and Jaydn likes a kid Rick and I found his name is Felix he's Swedish (A\N if anyone knows who I'm talking about I well put up a another chapter) Sarah and Rick are like a thing I guess Darly and Carol are a thing to Hershel takes care of me and lilly like were his own daughters even though he has two daughters Maggie is like a older sister and beth is like a sister to she's just 2 years older then me and Maggie is 7 years older and my job is fences or runs and Lilly's is cooking with carol and Sarah. Jaydn is helping with Judith and Masons is weapons but that's it right now

I walk out of my cell and down to the main room I walk over to the door and go outside and run down the hill to the fence is I start stabbing walkers

{3 hours later}

I stab a walker and someone taps my shoulder I turn around and see Carl

What do you want I say with attitude

I thought you were going to be nice he say

Well I lied I say turn back to the walkers

Hey what did I do he asks grabbing my shoulder and turning me back to face him

Just....what do you want I asks

I just want to asks you if you know were lilly is he asks

No I say with more attitude

Okay if you don't tell me why your pissed at me then I well........

Well what hit me go ahead and see what happens

Fine whatever if your going to be a bitch then I'm going to be a Dick

You have fun with that I say turning back around and stab a walker I hear him sigh and walk away after that I went back to my cell and grab the comic Carl gave me and we down to his cell when I walk in Emma and Carl were having sex

Jesus I say

Hey what the fuck Carl say grabbing a blanket

Sorry I thought you would want this back I say throwing it at him and turn around and see lilly staring at Carl and Emma I can see the tears fall out of her eyes

Lilly I can explain Carl say

She run away to are cell and I run after her she flops down on my bed and sobs

lilly are you okay

No he said he liked me he said he wanted to be with me why would he do this

He's a Dick he just said that to get in your pants

I thought he liked me

I know I'm sorry

Can you stay here with me

Yeah I lay down next to her and we talk for away until we fall asleep

(middle of the night)

Hey wake up someone say shaking me

I open my eyes and see lilly still asleep and I look over and see Mason

What I asks

Can you come and lay with me I can't sleep he asks

Yeah just a minute

Okay I'll wait in the hall he walks out of the cell

Hey lilly I say shaking her

What she groans

Is okay if I go lay with Mason

Yeah just don't have sex

I won't I say laughing

I get up and walk out of the cell and walk up to Mason

Hey can I where one of your shirts


We walk to his cell and I See Carl asleep and Mason hands me a Shrit he jumps up on the top bunk he lays down and looks away from me I pull off my shrit and pull down my shorts and put on Mason's shrit I look down and see Carl staring at me

Were you watching me I asks

No I just woke up......why are you in here

Mason wanted me to Dick

Whatever Bitch

Don't call my girlfriend a Bitch Mason say jumping down from the bed

Dude I'm not in the mood Carl say

Mason its fine don't do stoop to his level your better than that I say

Fine he say jumping back up and he pulls me up we lay down and cuddle until we fall asleep

{Next day}

I wake up to Mason kissing me and I kiss back I put my hand in his hair and he pulls me closer and we start making out until I hear someone clear there throat I push Mason off and sit up and see Carl getting up I jump down and grab my clothes

I'll see you later Mason

Yeah can't wait

I look over to Carl and he's looking at me he looks away and I walk out of the cell

Hazel did you just come out of Carl and Masons Cell someone a asks

I turn around and see Maggie


Hey guys I know is short chapter but hey get over it and if you guys get 3 of these right I well update again

{1} what season did Lori Grimes die in

{2}who is Amy

{3}what season did Merle Dixon die in

{4}who is Felix {Not about TWD}

{5}how many people are dead in TWD

{6}{this is easy} how old is Chandler Riggs

{7}what season did Glenn tell Maggie he loved her

{8}were did Rick kill Gareth

{9}what did Rick used to kill Gareth

{10}how old is Emily Kinney {Not about TWD}

That's it for now

Love ya all

- Savannah

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