Chapter 3: The Cute And The Clueless

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The two made their way to Enigmatic Investigations, Alec with a bit of a spring in his step. He couldn't help it- and no despite what Simon might say it was NOT because of seeing Mags...o-okay so it wasn't JUST that.

It was the office itself. He just couldn't help but perk up anytime he came here, it was unavoidable. The place- much like the owner- was just completely something else. It definitely didn't look like any PI office he'd ever seen but...well of course it didn't: It was Magnus's place.

And it was so completely Magnus.

The large picture windows had deep violet curtains pulled open to let in the light, the shimmering rays catching and dancing on the various crystals, dream catchers and windchimes Clary had given his from Wiccan Wishes- both as office warming gifts and for protection and positive vibes. Alec honestly never really believed in that kind of thing but he had to admit they did seem to have a positive effect. He didn't think it was so much 'magic' as pretty colors, sparkles and soft, soothing sounds but they did seem to help.

Besides anymore he had no room to criticize. After the whole coming THIS close to being a demon sacrifice thing he hardly ever takes off the Necklace Clary gave him. Yeah he knows it's not really 'rational' attributing surviving nearly being a demon sacrifice to a pretty green and black pendent but...well...honestly a wiccan magic protection necklace made just as much sense as a head detective being rescued from a demon sacrifice by a flashy club owner and an Raphael (Seriously he really needs to find some kind of job title there).

Whatever the case he's not about to call someone out on something like that...not anymore. Besides the 'good vibes/protection' things just kinda fit with the whole paranormal PI type thing and added to the ambiance- and it really did seem to work quite well with the rest of the office.

Just below the windows are a row of soft, inviting leather chairs in a deep, rich sapphire blue that nearly look black unless the light catches them just right. The floor and walls of the office are a warm cherry wood, polished to a near reflective shine, two of which are decorated with more artwork of Clary's (Alec's gotta admit the guy's definitely got talent). The remaining two walls are completely taken up with floor to ceiling bookshelves that are absolutely packed to the rafters with books, rolled up maps and scrolls, charms, statues and various random curios apparently from Magnus's travels.

The bookcases remind him of the one's in Wiccan Wishes- he half wondered if Magnus bought out Clary's entire stock...or he did until last week when he met Dante and Clary for lunch there and he saw the shelves were still there and seemingly just as stocked as ever so maybe not (or maybe he just restocked a lot).

There's two desks in the office, one closer to the door and one near the door to the back room. Both are in a light, warm toned wood and intricately carved. The desks each have a higher backed rich burgundy chair on the far side and two smaller, shorter deep violet chairs positioned in front. Each desk and it's chairs are situated on two deep burgundy/violet, antique looking rugs with an intricate golden pattern of various symbols, runes, and he-doesn't-even-know-what woven into the fabric. They bare a striking resemblance to the enchantment runes from The Branding Murder case but Magnus assured him they were totally different.

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