Deku:yo guys what's up.
Mina:you're..unnaturally quiet today. This is the first time you spoke today.
Deku:yeah just coming down from that high. Man I feel like crap.
Pbbu:I bet.
Deku:eh who cares though. Just gotta take a Tylenol and I'll be set for the Tuesday.
3d printer:it's Friday.
Deku:I'll be set for the Friday.
Mochi:it's weird seeing you sober but I welcome it. You were bat-shit crazy.
Deku:blame the writer.
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Pbbu:gonna ignore that.
Edgar Allen crow:agreed.
Rip-off Pikachu:eyo the pizza here.
A loud crash is heard
Grapist:midoriya full on sent himself through a wall,landed on his face,got up like Michael Myers and took a whole box of pizza. Then he left.
Mix tape:all that in 3 seconds?
Pbbu:that creature is beyond reasonable explanation.
Deku:ding ding ding ya figured it out. Well I'm gonna go to sleep. Peace.
Mochi:he's asleep while planking.
Viagra:I would say "dear god" but God has nothing to do with him.
Mochi:gotta agree.