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         Today was a saturday and it was a free day in the academy,at least there were no classes whatsoever,so it gave Emily time to dye her hair,she dyed her hair once every year and she hoped the color of hair  would bring her luck. Her last years' color was pink and it brought her half luck,she gained friends she had never gained. Lily and Larrisa were her two friends who were waiting outside her door to see the new color of her hair.

Lily: (opens the door a little bit) Emily
         What is the color for this year.
Emily: so like I haven't started but just give me 10 minutes and also do you mind (pointing to the door).

Lily: oh you mean I should close the door,fine,fine but just 10 minutes.

Emily: Whatever.
      Next 10 minutes
Larrisa: Time up(opens the door).
Lily: oh, wow (exclaimes) beautiful.
Larrisa: This is a very nice color.
      Emily's hair was purple and she straightened it.
Larrisa: Alright time to get my hair dyed.
Lily: Really,you dyed it just last week and you do know the rules of the academy, but has for me I am a natural red hair and I love it.
Emily: And it suits you well please don't dye your hair.
Lily: I can't cos I love it just like that.
Larrisa: your hair is beautiful and all but I think you guys are forgetting something.
Emily: and what is that ?
Larrisa: we have duty at the Barb today.
     The Barb was an hangout at the academy.
Lily: now if I say I hate madam Gina you all want to shut me up.
Emily: lily no bad words just get changed and let's head to the Barb.
Larrisa: why do you have to be so obedient, whatever I am heading to my room to get dressed.
Lily: same,but on second thought,Emily must give me some clothes because I had to change my wardrobe to pink last year because of you and it will be weird wearing pink to the Barb.
Emily: whatever.
        The academy was pretty fun because everyone had their own room and it was just like an home to all.

At the Barb
     The Barb was just like a cafeteria. Louis the guy in charge of the Barb called them.
Louis: Hey, Larrisa, Emily and Lily over here ( he yelled). Madam Gina said three of you will handle the Barb today what trouble did you get into.
Lily: Actually we got into a fight with Peggy and disturbed the class yesterday.
Louis: Peggy again what's her issue.
   (Peggy is an arrogant girl who is always the leader of the mean girls, actually her issues is with Emily.)
Larrisa: At least we got to work in the Barb not the children's bathroom.
Louis: well, with the way l love you girl you still have to work so put on your Aprons.

         The girls put on their Aprons and got behind the slab waiting for people to order food and drinks. A popular guy in the Academy came towards them his name was Tob.
Tob: Hey guys,I heard about you and Peggy's fight yesterday, Hope you weren't hurt (facing Emily).
Lily: Are you talking to us or to Emily alone.
Tob: (stammering) Actually all of you but Emily especially.
Emily: I wasn't hurt at all.
Tob; You look gorgeous in your new hair style.
Emily: Thanks (picks up a glass cup and starts cleaning) would you like to order any thing.
Tob: Yeah,I will have one red velvet cake and iced milk tea.
Emily: Larrisa can you please make the iced milk tea while I go get the red velvet cake, Tob I think you should sit.
Tob: Ok but do you mind hanging out sometime.
Emily: I am on duty today so I am occupied.
Tob: fine.
        ( Tob left to sit.)
Lily: I think you should give Tob a chance.
Emily: A chance for what?
Larrisa: Stop acting funny girl .........for love.
Emily: Oh I think you guys are mistaking he was just offering a kind gesture.
Larrisa: Two things, first the milk tea is ready, secondly you infact know that Tob likes you.
Lily: I am imagining you two in my dream already, you will make a perfect couple.
Emily: I think you guys are just imagining things, besides he is dating Peggy and you know the girls code.
Lily: Are you seriously on girls code, she broke the code long ago.
Larrisa: That Peggy is just a mean witch.
Emily: Now both the red velvet cake and iced milk tea are ready, Lily do you mind going to serve him now and also I am heading to the wash room now, I will be back soon.
Lily: (yelling) Don't walk away from this topic come back.

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