Chapter 5

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( Shawn's POV)

I finally got to Miami and I was exhausted, I got a uber to go to my hotel. I called Vanessa to let her know I'm finally here.

Vanessa: Hey Shawn?

Shawn: Vanessa!

Vanessa: What's up are you here yet ?!

Shawn: Yess! I'm at the hotel waiting to see your flawless self

Slick move guys

Vanessa: your so cute okay well I'll text you my address so you can come tomorrow and we can do the song together.

Shawn: goodnight beautiful

Vanessa: goodnight Shawn

*10:30 A.M.*

AHH I'm so tired wait today's the day I see Vanessa!

I got up as soon as I remembered I was going to see Vanessa today , I got breakfast, showered, and left as soon as possible. I don't know why I was so nervous to see her, I just met her but there's something about her that's special. I've only felt like that for one person and I got heartbroken. Miami is such a beautiful city , it's fascinates me so much there beaches, city lights, buildings, culture, and everything else pretty much. My phone started ringing and it was Geoff I can tell because he put wake me up as his ringtone ha ha.

Shawn: hey Geoff what's up?

Geoff: well I can't say hello to one of my best buds?

Shawn: of course you can but I'm kinda on my way to do something right now.

Geoff: ooh well what is that since your too busy to talk to your mentor.

Shawn: I'm going to Vanessa's house we're gonna do a duet together !

Geoff: who's this Vanessa girl that you've been talking about all the time?

Shawn: well she's a fan but Geoff man she's so amazing I've never been so star strucked about a girl before.

Geoff: sounds like you got it bad wish you the best

Shawn: thanks man see you soon

Right after I had finished talking to Geoff it seems that I already had gotten to Vanessa's house that was fast, I payed the guy and took my things out.

Well this was finally it, I got out the car and started walking to the door. I knocked on the door to see it was..

(Vanessa's POV)

I was waiting impatiently for Shawn to call me to see if his flight had gotten here yet. When finally I get a call hearing "Show You By Shawn". I'm honestly dying and overflowing with excitement. I pick up and start talking to him.

Vanessa: Hey Shawn?

Shawn: Vanessa!

Vanessa: What's up are you here yet ?!

Shawn: Yess! I'm at the hotel waiting to see your flawless self

Slick move guys

Vanessa: your so cute okay well I'll text you my address so you can come tomorrow and we can do the song together.

Shawn: goodnight beautiful

Vanessa: goodnight Shawn

*11:30 A.M.*

OH MY GOSH I OVERSLEPT, I got up as soon as I saw the time. I walked out of my room and saw my mom,

Vanessa's Mom: well you overslept

Vanessa: a little bit more obvious thanks mom

Vanessa's Mom: we'll go hurry up and get ready and fix the house before I don't let that Shawn boy come over.

As soon as she said I that I quickly finished eating my breakfast, showered and without realizing I finished everything I had to do. Uh oh I think Shawn's on his way now!


Ok conscious do that make me more nervous, why am I talking to myself..

I finally picked an outfit did my hair, a slight bit of makeup and tada finally done!

I was now waiting for Shawn to get here, when all of the sudden I heard a car pull up to my driveway. Seeing it was Shawn he's so gorgeous walking and all that, I've been probably drooling over him already. This is honestly unreal Shawn Freaking Mendes is here at Miami for me to sing with me I Vanessa. I got up when I heard him knock on the door twice I opened the door to see Shawn in front of me smiling, and I also did the same...

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