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Mistakes get erased all the time. Being a creator is no different. You got to erase your mistakes, but I think to myself everyday what happens when something... Living. Get's erased. Surely it's just alternating the story and grants them access to a painless. Finished. Life, but -as9009hj- reminded me that I need to be careful for everything that breathes in my world. It was only one time. ONE TIME that caused such massive suffering to a beloved mistake. He knows more than everyone here. He's seen it all. The great planets that wander about, and the dark places... 

Unknown to me.

I send him friends from time to time.

He kills and kills and kills and kills until there's nothing left. I can't control him. He isn't mine anymore. I erased him, but why. why. why. why. why. Nothing I do can save him. Not even a little.

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