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It's pretty boring. The only thing I get to see here are mostly just grass and the small house they covered with blue and white paint. The house doesn't even have a proper rooftop and the walls are torned apart. They're probably the definition of a broke ass homeless gang.

I mean there is a backyard.. but only grass for now though. Overall, everything feels so fucking bland.

I wonder what the world is like outside..

The only person I often get to see is probably the four eyed emo boy and a blonde brittish kid that's obsessed with the queen of England. I feel like the four eyes should really chill out for once though.. he literally got fucking eyebags under his eyes.. he looks like he's gonna fucking commit snorkeling without the actual snorkle in the middle of the sea.

Maybe that's normal for him?

The blonde kid though.. he seems so fucking clingy around him.. I think he's around 7 or 9? I don't really know.Is he his brother or some adopted kid or something?

The blonde kid seems to be pretty scared to be honest.. he tries to act tough though but that makes him look even more of a child than he already is. He always tries to act mature as if he knows everything but he literally can't even pin a nail on a wall properly.

Like, he's LITERALLY using a fucking screw driver right now, what the fuck..Whatever, I'm just hoping I get out of here soon. It's so fucking boring I could literally dissolve even though I'm still living at some point.Oh, and talking about that four eyes, I actually do meet some of his hostages sometimes.Well, hostages or some other kind of thing. I'm not really sure. He seems like the type to kidnap people for labor though.They seem pretty cheery but also sleep deprived. Damn, now that I think about it, everyone here looks pretty stressed except for that blonde kid.Everyone seriously needs daylight right now cause no one ever goes outside..Oh, and stress..

Right, so, I actually found out about this one thing called "Software Instability." I'm not sure about it but I'm guessing it's when emotions happens or something that is not meant to be?

I'm not sure cause it's so fucking weird. It acts randomly and I'm not sure if I should be worried 

about it either.

Should I share this information to the hostages and four eyed dweeb?

They only need me to keep their information anyways so maybe not. I might look into it even more and experiment to see what causes it. I'm feeling kinda fucking insane right now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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