the 7 things i hate about you

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1. you're vain
reggie liked luke. this was no secret, everybody knew it, and as much as luke liked to deny it, he knew it too, and he never failed to use it to his advantage. doing things such as leaving lingering touches on reggie's shoulder after a group hug or 'subtlety' cuddling up to him while they were seated on the couch in the studio. he loved playing with reggie's feelings and making him all flushed. it made him feel powerful knowing he did that to him. in other words, he was vain.

2. you're games
there was this certain incident that made reggie want to die. where luke took this little game of his too far. they were all sat in a circle at a party after someone suggested a game of truth of dare. when it came luke's turn to spin the bottle and it landed on reggie. panic rose from the tips of his toes all the way up to the top of his head in mere seconds. he weighed his options, if he picked truth luke would most likely ask something like 'do you like me?' and reggie was NOT ready for that, but if he picked dare luke would probably ask him to sit on his lap or something, which seemed more bearable to him. "uhh dare i guess" he chuckled nervously. a smirk painted itself upon luke's lips and reggie instantly knew his choice was a mistake. he had the mischievous, cheshire smile which always meant he had something up his sleeve. "actually no i- i um switch to truth" he said frantically. "no way u cant do that". reggie gave up immediately, he knew he wasn't getting out of this, luke is the most stubborn person alive. "alright whatever" reggie sighed. "i dare you to kiss me" luke said. reggie felt like he was abt to throw up. he stood up and luke followed after him stepping closer. all color drained from his face and his feet reacted before his mind could. he was running away with tears streaming down his face. what type of sick game is this. he could've never guessed luke could be this cruel.

3. you're insecure
after the party, reggie promised himself to avoid luke but little did he know it was only boosting luke's ego, knowing that he was avoiding him because he liked him. what a sick freak. he was seated near bobby trying his best not to let his eyes travel to luke as he practiced this new melody they've been working on. bobby being the sweetheart he is wrapped an arm around reggie after seeing how seemingly sad and uncomfortable he was. "you good, man?" he asked sympathetically. with a sweet but dishonest smile reggie muttered "yeah i'm good" and rested his head on bobby's shoulder and began fiddling with his fingers. luke watched from across the studio. his confidence crumbling. he couldn't stand the thought of knowing that reggie might have a thing for bobby. how else was he gonna have his fun? who knew the almighty luke patterson could be so insecure.

4. you love me/you like her
now despite luke being a cocky asshole, he never let his pride get in the way of his friendship with reggie. after the party he let go of his pride almost completely when we began begging for reggie's forgiveness, and reggie was a weak man, what was he gonna do? deny luke and his puppy dog eyes? no fucking way. "yeah yeah it's ok just don't pull that shit again." he said sorta sternly, even though they both could so the look of endearment hiding behind his 'glare'. "yeah dude of course dude i love you i'm sorry i made you uncomfortable" he said with an apologetic smile. reggie's pale freckled skin was immediately painted a deep red. he stammered "uh-erm yeah dude me too", and in that moment luke knew that he had wrapped around his finger again. with a smirk luke said "i gotta go i have a date with stella" grappling his jacket and running out the studio door while yelling "i finally got her dude!" and with a sad look on his face, reggie muttered "yeah haha finally". fuck you luke patterson

5. you make me laugh, you make me cry i don't know which side to buy.
luke was always determined to make reggie laugh. he didnt like reggie but he couldn't deny the fact that he had a pretty laugh. so, luke kept making jokes that he knew would make reggie double over with laughter. the spent an hour giggling and laughing and making jokes back and forth when they were interrupted by bobby and alex entering. reggie immediately stood up from where he was sitting and walked up to bobby giving a hug and began talking to him. how did they do it so naturally? alex sat down next to him in an attempt to start up a conversation but as much as he loved alex, he couldn't be bothered right now. he couldn't believe he could be ditched so fast for bobby. time passed and eventually they were going over this new song and reggie was messing up a few chords. now, luke prides himself on his patience, especially with reggie but he was in a bad mood today. "quit being such a fuck up reg, you're dragging this group down" he said, the words dripping off his tongue like venom. reggie's eyes welled up with tears and luke felt instant regret. reggie stood there for a moment, almost as if he were waiting for luke to apologize or say something but luke just looked at reggie without a word. his damn pride. reggie walked out with a scoff muttering something that sounded like 'of course', and with a glare pointed at luke, bobby and alex followed behind him.
6. your friends are jerks, when you act like them just know it hurts. i wanna be with the one i know.
luke was popular, but he always chose to hang around reggie, alex and bobby but that didn't mean he didn't act like an absolute dickhead when he was around his other group of friends. luke always wanted his band and his other friends to get along so he arranged something. alex and bobby obviously protested but reggie always wanted to know more about luke's other life. "i think it could be fun guys" reggie said. "dude no" alex groaned and bobby shot him a knowing look but he was reggie's best friend and we wasn't about to let him stand alone, he walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze, understanding reggie "yeah alright" he said. "YES THANK YOU SO MUCH" luke yelled and he grabbed reggie's face and gave him a kiss on the cheek with a loud smack. reggie blushed. "umm hello?" said alex. "i'm still here" he mentioned waving his hand in front of luke's face. "sorry bro, majority wins" luke said with a toothy grin. alex whined "ugh i hate you". luke patted his cheek softly "sure you do".
reggie wanted to die rn. luke was completely ignoring him, alex and bobby and doing 'macho man' things with his 'macho man' friends. shit like talking about girls and how ass is underrated. it was disgusting and he'd never seen this side of luke and wish he hadn't. he hated that he liked someone who could act this way. bobby spoke up "dude we're here too" and god bless his poor heart because nobody could've guessed what was coming. "fuck outta here we didn't even want you here why would we be talking to you". oh fuck no. bobby over everyone. even luke. so when luke laughed along he wasted no time getting alex and bobby up and walking away. he could hear luke's voice behind him yelling "c'mon it isn't that deep they were joking". it hurt so bad knowing that the three of them would choose luke over anyone in a heartbeat, but the feeling wasn't mutual. this 'luke' isn't the same luke he's in love with and he was desperately hoping that luke could come back so he wouldn't feel so guilty for pining after someone like that. he hoped it was just a phase.

7. the seventh thing i hate the most that you do. you make me love you.
luke walked into the studio and suddenly the room went dead silent. "i'm sorry guys i don't know what came over me but uh i called them out after you guys left and um words were said so let's just say i don't think we're gonna be talking much after today" luke spoke up. they all muttered a chorus of 'mhm' 'uh huh' and 'nice'. "c'mon dudes i'm really sorry i'll never do something like that again, you guys are my best friends". "i don't think it's us you shld be apologizing to dude" alex said, looking pointedly at bobby. bobby rolled his eyes as luke knelt down in front of where bobby was sitting and began talking "i'm sorry bobs what i did wasn't cool please forgive me i love you man". bobby looked at reggie and reggie smiled at him. "alright whatever just never let it happen again" said bobby lifting his hand up to allow look to dap him up but luke the opportunity to pull him up into a hug while whispering a "never" into bobby's shoulder. it was sweet sight to see. "uh guys do you mind if i steal reggie away for a second" luke suggested. reggie's heart jumped in surprise as he stood up following luke out the studio doors. "in the spirit of second chances i hope you can forgive me for messing with you for so long" luke started. reggie's breath hitched and he let out a broken "what do you mean?". "don't give me that reg. we both know that i know you like me" luke said. reggie put his head down ashamed, he wasn't dumb he obviously knew this but something about hearing it said out loud was so jarring. "i'm sorry" he said, barely over a whisper. luke grabbed a hold of his shoulders, making reggie look up at him "hey! don't apologize to me i'm the one who should be apologizing for being such a dickhead". reggie gave him a soft smile and said "after knowing me for so long you should know it doesn't take much convincing for me to forgive you.". luke slid his hands for reggie's shoulders down to his hands. "thank you reg, so much" and with a small smile reggie took his hands out of luke's "yeah of course" reggie hated the fact that he still loved luke after all of that but he couldn't let what happened before happen again. his heart was too weak for that. "i still love you, you know? i probably will for a while but i won't be weird about, i promise. i'll move on at some point just be patient with me" luke nodded and smiled at him, but he felt his heart break a little at the fact that reggie was gonna move on eventually. why?

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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