Pluto Alodia

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Full name: Pluto Asher Alodia
How to pronounce: Plu-toe Ash-ur A-load-ee-a
Pronouns: She/her
Ability: Oracle (Can see certain things in the future, big or small. She can't control what she sees, but she'll occasionally get a glimpse of the paths she could take in order to change th future, for better or worse)
Looks: Silver hair (caused by her ability, she's a natural brunette), slightly tanned skin, hazel eyes, uniform studded with precious metals and jewels
Likes: Being left alone most of the time, Hayden, Eijeh's willingness to spar with her, hot chocolate
Dislikes: Zak, the school database, fish, romance novels
Favourite class: World domination
Personality: Guarded at first, slightly aggressive, focused, loyal, sad but hides it, not great at changing the subject

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