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Mayuma knew Miyu like she knew her children Sammy and Mara. It was no surprise when she told Miyu about the bike she can use for her daily, never ending workout. Back in Nagano, Miyu during summer always wake up at 6 in the morning to get on her mountain bike and ride through the hills for her morning workout. She usually gets back around 7:30 or 8 and resumes her daily routine. At 4:00 in the afternoon, she does her own workout, either at a gym or home and on Saturdays, she pays the gym a visit.

Though this changes depending on her training or if there is school. But Mayuma feared Miyu would be upset when she told him that the only gym was far away, all the way to Kobe which was not a short drive.

"You're still familiar with the roads yes?" Mayuma asked before they retreated to their own rooms for the night.

"I think so auntie. Thank you so much, though I'm supposed to be looking out for you, it just won't be that way." Miyu giggled as she wiped her face.

"Yes yes, you know pretty auntie too well, now go, get your beauty sleep and you'll probably be up before the sun does."

"Goodnight auntie!"

Closing the door behind her, Miyu sighed softly before heading for her bed, carrying her ball with her. Lying flat on her face, she tossed to herself continously.

"Kita-san said I just tell him whenever I want to play, but I'd be doing that everyday." She frowned thinking to herself.

On her third minute or so of continous tossing, Miyu's phone on the bedside table rang. Catching the ball with one hand and balancing it on top of her outstretch arm, Miyu reached for her phone and answered without looking who it was. After, if anyone called after 8 pm on a vacation day, Miyu already knows who it is.

"Hey Hiru." Miyu hummed, putting the phone on the space beside her pillow as she resumed talking.

"This sounds dumb but I'm looking for ways on how to play volleyball with someone miles away." Hirugami chuckled on the other line making Miyu giggle.

"You know me to well and its scary."

"How you holding up so far?"

"Not feeling homesick if that's what you mean. I'm going cycling tomorrow morning like usual."

"And gym on weekends?"

"Apparently, I have to ride the bus for one and a half hour before I get to the nearest operational gym so I may have to improvise."

"That sucks. You tired yet?"

"Mhmm, the long ride's startin' to get to me." Miyu hummed, tossing the ball to one side before turning to a comfortable position.

"Alright. Got any request?"

"Just the usual."

"Bubble's lullaby coming right up." Hirugami softly chuckled, tuning his guitar as he sat in his room and began strumming sooner or later.

Miyumari had insomnia most of the time. The most effective way to put her to sleep is by a soft guitar lullaby. She had a player on endless repeat near her bed in their house at Nagano, but on certain days, Hirugami calls when he gets the hunch that Miyu was having trouble sleeping and plays for her himself. Eventually composing his very own musical piece. Hirugami made a lullaby dedicated to Miyu despite not having proper music knowledge.

"Sleep well Bub." He hummed once he could hear Miyu's calm breathing and soft snores.


"Oh crap." Miyu shivered to herself, apparently, she belittled Hyogo's weather and wore thin layers, completely unaware of the area's intense morning breeze.

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