The First Meeting

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Y/N had her breakfast and soon left for her interview. Rm had dropped her in front of the building. And there she stood in front of very tall buildings. Looking at the height of the buildings Y/N started getting nervous of thinking how big the company is. " You don't have to get nervous Y/N you can do this! " she said to herself to keep her motivated and started walking towards the entrance. "Good Morning ma'am, How may I help you? " asked the receptionist flashing a warm smile. " Good morning, I am Kim Y/N here for an interview for the position of the secretory. " said Y/N also flashing her sweet smile. " Come this way ma'am " The receptionist said, leading her the way. Soon they were in front of the CEO's cabin. The door said " CEO OF PARK ENTERPRISES " " You can walk in Miss Y/N, Good luck! " the receptionist opened the door for her as Y/N enters in closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She saw a big chair but only the back of it was visible. 

" Good Morning sir, I'm Kim Y/N here for the interview " she said nervously. Just then the chair turned and the next thing she could see was a handsome looking man talking on the phone. He looked like a man for whom any girl will drool over. The next thing that flashed in Y/N's mind made her shock as hell. It was the boy from her dreams! the one she saw every night!! Y/N couldn't utter a word. That's how shocked she was. On the other side the handsome young man was in shock too! You all might be wondering why was he in shock? I know this is a lot to take in BUT, Park Jimin the CEO of Park enterprises also had the same situation as Y/N. A beautiful girl would appear in his dreams every night. He was shocked as well just to see that girl of his dreams standing in front of him. 

Both of them could not utter a word as both of them were shocked. There was an awkward silence. After a few seconds, Y/N decided to break the silence. 

Y/N- " I-I am Y/N for the post of s-secretory. "

Jimin- " R-right please have a seat. "

Y/N awkwardly walks in and takes a seat. Jimin tried to shrug this off and act professional. 

Jimin- " Please tell me about yourself " 

One by one Y/N started answering all the questions which Jimin asked her and soon the interview was over.

" I am very happy to see all the qualifications I want in you Miss Y/N, you are officially selected as the secretory for this company. I hope you have no objections in that? " Jimin said showing a sweet smile. Y/N was very happy that she finally got selected. " Thank You So Much Mr. Park! " she exclaimed excitedly and bowed to him.  " You shall start working from tomorrow, are you okay with that? " " Yes I am okay Mr. Park" "Okay then we shall meet tomorrow sharp at 8:30 am" " Yes sir! " Y/N said, thanked him, bowed a couple times and left. 

Jimin was happy that he finally met the girl of his dreams and now she will work with him. His heart always used to flutter when he saw her in his dreams but now as she came in real life, His heart started racing faster than ever. He had to admit he really liked her.

Y/N was really happy. She went home and invited some of her good friends, Jisoo and of course Rm for a dinner. Everyone was really happy for her. Now you might be wondering about Y/N's parents. Unfortunately for Y/N, her parents passed away while she was in school. But for her, her brother and sister are like her parents. They care for her, help her and they always want the best for her no matter how much the tease or scold her.

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