Lonely Boys // The Black Keys

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•A/N• Hai beautiful peeps. DUFF is a super rad movie and i don't even know YOLO.¥¥¥
"Duuuuuude," I pointed at the Rocky Horror Show poster in my magazine and showed it to my two best friends.
"Wow! That's really cool." Lauren said sarcastically, looking me straight in the eye and giggling.
We all started laughing and I heard a few whistles from the guys next to us.
Yeah. Okay.
"HEYYY LAUREN!" One of them said.
"YO PAYTON!!" A few other dudes said.
My 'best friends' blushed and continued down the hall with me.

It came time to lunch and I got way more excited than usual people should. I mean...food. Who doesn't fucking like food? Yeah, some people think they're too fat (such as myself) but who gives a fuck?
"Why do you like food so much?" Payton asked me.
Payton was tall, skinny, tan with brown wavy hair that she always styled perfectly, and completely adored by everybody.
Lauren was blonde, tan, blue eyes: the whole package.
I was....erm..me. Short, sort of pudgy, green eyes, freckles, medium length hair. It's hard, but again: who gives a fuck?
"I don't know." I said, confused. "Who doesn't like food?"
They both laughed and said "me." Synchronized. Like robots.
I huffed. "Well then you don't have to eat." I shrugged.
Lunch came and went, and sooner than later, school was over and I found myself attending a party.
"You have to look pretty." Payton assured me.
"Uh...do you mean slutty?" I raised an eye brow.
Her and Lauren rolled their eyes. "No, I mean don't look like...THAT." She waved her arms around me.
"Uhh i look fine, thank you very much." I said, folding my arms.
"....okay. Let's make you look pretty!" Lauren squealed, pulling me onto the bed.
They pulled out a bunch i shit cloths that looked like they would surely strangle my ass.
"Here!" Lauren said, handing me a short silk skirt.
I blinked multiple times before making a loud, obnoxious, exaggerated, purpose gag.
She rolled her eyes. "Just cooperate, okay?" She whined.
I shook my head. "I'm not putting that on." I pointed at the small disease she held to me.
"Ugh, fine."
Payton pulled out a loose tank top with white frillies.
"This ones cute," Lauren said in awe.
Have you never seen your own clothing?
I examined it. "This is like...for Easter. And it won't fit me. BYE!" I said, handing it back to her.
"It WOULD fit you if you weren't always eating!!" Lauren giggled. Payton laughed too.
I scoffed. "I'm NOT fat, and I'm wearing my own shit." I said, throwing my red flannel over my baggy, ripped up nirvana t-shirt and totally tattered blue jeans. I slipped on my boots and sighed, fixing up my hair a bit by brushing it for the first time since this morning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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