#6 He's your best friend and your boyfriend breaks up with you

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It felt... there was no way to describe it- only those who have been through the same thing would know.

"But I... I love you," you sighed, allowing the tears to fall whilst the jerk you once called a boyfriend stood before you, his eyes dead.

"That's the thing (Y/N), I don't..." he attempted to cup your shoulders, but you shrugged him off as soon as his skin touched yours. Sighing, he took a step forward. You stepped back. "It's not you, (Y/N)-"

"Don't you dare say that shit to me," you started raising your voice, trying to hold back the tears but noticing that that wouldn't be possible. You gulped, knowing what would come next. If there was one thing you had learned about your relationship so far, it was that you shouldn't ever raise your voice at him. That'd only piss him off more.

"Well fine, then. We're done. I've never even needed you anyways!" He turned around, ready to leave. "Stupid virgin," he muttered and left your house, slamming the door shut.

You winced, sliding down against the wall and burrying your head in your knees.

Brooklyn, your best friend, came over around 10, shortly after your ex left, and found you crying on the floor in a foetal position.

His mum had bought him new football boots and he had wanted to show them off to you, so there was an unmistakable grin plastered onto his face. This grin, however, lasted less than a minute. When he saw you crying, he instantly rushed over to your shaking body, leaving the pair of brand new football boots lying unnoticed by the door.

"That bastard..." he mumbled. "Shh... It's alright now, love. I'm here and won't let anything happen to you," he knew rubbing circles on your back always helped when you were on your period, so he tried doing that, hoping that'd soothe you in this situation too.

It did help a bit, but you were still bawling your eyes out, so he picked you up bridal-style and carried you all the way up to your room, where he placed you gently on your bed.

"I... uhh- I'm just going to put some movies on and get some ice cream, okay? I always see that in movies and books (and it always helps), so I guess i'll go buy some now so that-" you cut him off by chuckling. He stopped blabbering and grinned when he heard your laughter.

"I'm fine, really," you sniffled, offering him a tight, forced smile.

"No you're not, (Y/N/N). It'll only be a few minutes, I swe-" your smile widened and he stopped, confused with your sudden change.

"Come on over here and cuddle with me, you idiot," you giggled, sliding into the covers and leaving a space next to you for him to do the same.

He took off his shoes and coat, slipping in next to you on your bed and snuggling up with you. "He didn't deserve you, you know," he mumbled into your hair.

You sighed, nodding in agreement and closing your eyes tightly. You scooted even closer to him once a cold breeze entered the room through your window.

"Thank you, Brooklyn, for everything," your eyes were beginning to close, you were just waiting for him to reply so that you could fall asleep listening to the sound of his voice.

"That's what I'm here for, (Y/N)," he sighed, kissing your cheek when he realised you had fallen asleep in his arms. "I love you," he whispered to your unconcious body and closed his eyes, too, letting sleep overtake his body.


3K reads this is amazing guys!! We're both overwhelmed with the amount of love we've received from you guys through this book! And we seriously couldn't be more thankful!

Baby Brooklyn up there aww (via @beckhamsons IG) <3

Next imagine coming soon, I promise :)

Xx, B.

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