New Professor

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It's sixth year, I have one year left after this, my 18 birthday pasted a couple weeks ago, I spent it alone since my parents are always gone and don't allow me to invite anyone over or I would of asked Theo and Enzo.

I've known Theo and Enzo since first year their my best mates, we do everything together, we try to anyways.

"What you dreaming about Reyes?" Enzo asked as he saw me starring off into space.

"Yeah y/n hurry up and eat I want to know what the new defense teacher is" Theo added and he grabbed my spoon and tried to feed me but I grabbed the spoon and fed myself.

"You guys didn't hear Snape is finally defense teacher, were getting a new potions teacher" I told them.

"Really?!" The both said shocked.

"I bet he begged McGonagall now that she is the new headmaster" Theo said snacking his fist on the table from such a great idea.

"I bet Snape begged her so much and she got sick of him and gave him the job just to shut him up" Enzo added.

"Or maybe she just gave him the job because she knew how much he wanted it and she's his friend" I added.

"Since when are you team Snape?" Enzo asked shoving food in his face.

"I'm not" I told him, "I never was" I added.

"Yeah you always had a weird feeling about him" Theo agreed.

"And I was right" I mumbled.

The bell rang, "time for defense I guess" I said standing up gathering my things.

"Then we find out who's the new potions professor" Enzo added.

"Yep are we all in the same class?" I asked, we all pulled out our timetable, and showed eachother we all smiled seeing that we had the same class and almost all of them together.

We walking to defence together and sat down beside eachother, we try this every year you see and everything all the teachers move us away from eachother, it's like they all have some packed to keep us away from eachother. But we sat down together and Snape looked us right in the eye took a deep breath, and turned back around to face the board, "what just happened?" Theo whispered.

"I have no idea but, shut up I want to sit with you guys" I responded and the both nodded.

Class was over, Snape didn't even say a word to us today even when we broke out laughing because of nothing he didn't bother, maybe Snape is a changed man with his new job, or maybe he had taken pity on us na, it's probably the first one.

The three of us then left the class once it was over and started to make our way to potions, "I don't think it's going to feel the same without Snape a professor in this class" Enzo said.

"I'm just want to know who they got to replace the poor blout" Theo wondered.

"I hope it's not some old creep" I said and then cringed at the thought.

"You just want it to be some hot teacher you and fancy over with the other girls" Theo laughed.

"I would have to know Nott that I will not fancy a teacher that's weird, and I don't hang out with the other girls just you and Lorie" I said with a giggle.

"Don't call me that" Enzo mumbled.

"You like it don't lie" I giggle and shoved him in the arm.

"Only when you call me it" he admitted.

We finally made it to potions class after pushing eachother around trying to see who would fall to the ground first, Theo lost.

We seen the rest of the class crowed around the door, "hey, what's going on here?" Theo asked as we approach.

"The doors locked we don't think McGonagall got a teacher yet" a Gryffindor girl answers.

"Class" soke a women's voice, we all turned and saw headmistress McGonagall, "I just came to let you know that the professor is running late and you will have to wait another ten minutes before he arrives" she announced, we all mumbled in response as she then walked back to what I am assuming to her office.

"Well what do you want to do until then boys?" I asked them.

"How about we run about trying to hide from all the teachers and skip this class completely?" Theo suggested.

"I thought you wanted to know who the professor is going to be?" I asked him, "and I kind of want to know as well so how about we just wait" I suggested and Enzo was nodding.

"Your the one who suggested we do somthing" Theo argued.

"I ment here while we wait" I told him he just huffed, but by the time we turned back around to face the ready of the class they were gone and the door was open, "well I guess we don't have to wait anymore" I chuckled and the three of us walked into the class.

We stepped into the classroom the teacher had his back facing away from the class, he was tall with beautiful platinum blonde hair he was dress in a classic black suite, "told you, you would fancy him" Theo whispered, so I stomped on his foot, "hey" he gasped loudly in pain and everyone turned around to see what was going on even the professor.

I gasped and then covered it up with coughing, the professor is Draco Malfoy. "Malfoy but he just of out of school" Enzo started.

"Three years about, but I am extremely gifted in potions and McGonagall wanted someone experienced with the class to teach and she couldn't find anyone skilled for defence so, she replace Snape with me" Mr Malfoy explained, with a proud smirk on his face, I've seen it so many time and it still feels the same. Draco took his eyes off the boys and he saw me, he stumbled a bit but I think only I saw it, he then looked me up and down shock his head and turned back around to what he was doing, "don't even think about sitting together you three I have already put your names where you will sit find them and sit there" Mr Malfoy ordered and we followed.

We all have heard things about Malfoy and not much of it is true but people still believe it. I went to find my set I checked all the ones at the back didn't see my name anywhere which means I'm near the front, I checked everywhere but one the desk directly infront of his, and there if was my name, "I was told to place you where I can see you miss Reyes" Dra- Mr Malfoy said without even turning to face me.

He looks different then when we went to school together, he's taller, less lean and more muscle but not enough to make him look big but, enough to make him look like her can indeed snap you in half with one arm, his face is more defined his voice is the same. The same broken boy.

I sat down in my set and kept my head down I don't want to remember what happened, "Miss Reyes I suggest you pay attention this is important" Mr Malfoy said, he must of notice my head down, so I look up at the board. He smiled.

I didn't say anything for awhile until a crumpled paper landed on my desk infront of me, I quickly grabbed it before Mr Malfoy noticed and pulled it into my lap, I opened it. It's from Theo, party in the common room tonight or sneak out just us no Lorie it said, I looked over at Theo he held up the number two that's what he wants me to pick.

I always knew Theo had a thing for me even know he knows I probably won't ever feel the same way because we've been friends for so long, I looked back at the front to see if the professor was looking and he wasn't, I looked back at Theo and held up two, he smiled, "give it to me" a angered voice said from infront of me.

I looked professor Malfoy was standing infront of my desk, "excuse me?" I responded and kept the note in my lap.

"The note" he said with his hand stuck out.

I looked over at Theo he mouthed I'm sorry, "I'm sorry Sur but I don't know what your talking about" I lied, he pulled out his wand gave it a wave and the note flew into his hand.

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