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Agatha had been sitting there for over half an hour. He looked at the stars... Their blue glow always reminded him of the brightness of his eyes. Glow with which he hadn't been talking for 2 weeks. He missed it so much, but he couldn't force it. She hadn't seen him, but she had heard from the guards that he was working hard and believed him. She was not officially queen yet, she had no right to comment, but even her wedding job was complicated. He'd like to be there too, to look at the stars with her. "Oh, Agatha... Now Tedros can no longer fulfill the wishes said in thought. Just as you can no longer bring to life mogrified souls...".

It was already 2 in the morning. She wanted to leave and enter her room (which was located across the street from the tower where she was now staying), but something was heard from behind the curtains at the entrance. She didn't turn around, but she could hear him come towards her. He would put his hand in his pocket, where he would hold a knife in case of anything, and hold it tightly in his hand. When she wanted to turn around, a familiar voice was heard from behind her. And a voice he loved extremely much.
-Let down the knife. But good move!
Tedros appeared next to her with a cup of chocolate in his hand. Agatha looked at him, and the king turned his gaze. He had been in stature for a while until he had broken the silence.
-What's it?
"Well, I don't know... Don't you think you should even kiss me, given that you haven't talked to me in a while?
He laughed and then kissed her. He almost spills chocolate over his girlfriend, but they don't care. Apparently he could still fulfill unspoken desires. Woe... And how much she had missed him...

It was detached after a while. He was dressed in jeans and in a moiau. Although he read his thoughts, Agatha said:
"Where have you been at this time?"
-I think I could ask you the same thing.
-I asked first.
Tedros was looking at it. Clearly, he too had missed her sarcasm.
I was at the gym.
"And did you also take your chocolate after you at the gym?
-I'm not allowed or what?
-Of course you have. But I don't like you to lie to me.
He looked at her, then said with a laugh:
-Okay, okay. I couldn't sleep and I thought I'd go and drink the water. Then I came across the hot chocolate so I got it. I came to your tower, wanting to see if you were sleeping, but the surprise: you weren't there. And when I came back, I saw you here.
Agatha was looking at his cup of chocolate.
"We... Do you want it too? - he said embarrassed that he had not asked earlier.
Agatha shaved and nodded in the sign that no.

He left the mug on the railing of the tower and grabbed it in his arms. They were both staring at the stars.
-I hate to make wedding preparations! I always have to choose wedding dresses, learn a lot of dances and a thousand other vows that you have to say, choose some bitter pigeons.... I think the most appropriate thing would have been if we had done that together...
He looked at her and then kissed her once more.
- I hope to hit you at heart with the vows that I have chosen! "Said Agatha superior.
- O yes? Do you really know so much about me?
-Yes... after all, I'm married to you. Unfortunately!
A smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, but then he faded away.
-Do you not like the name "Pendragon"? "he said softly."
-Here we go?!
- I asked you if you like my last name.
-You really think I care what name I'm going to have from now on out? It's not like I've worn mine too much now...
-Yes... But still, you're almost my wife and I don't know your last name!
-Pendragon. "she said with a twinkle in her eyes."
- The name received from Callis...
-So now you call him Callis? I think you should call her "mom" or something!
-Agatha, Callis is dead! You can't name a dead man... - then he stopped when he saw Agatha's face.
Oh yes. He was always making mistakes, d'these. That's why she loved him the most. She couldn't get mad at him. He put his nose in his shirt and sighed. It smelled good...
-You know? And Pendragon sounds good -- he said in the end.
-Yes, it sounds good!
Then they both laughed

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