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I know nobody loves or either likes rules...I know I do. But I do have to put this out there.

1. No SMUT there are young kids here only take it to pm

2. Don't hate the roleplayer, just the character

3. If you would like to fight please tell me or ask me

4. If you would like to play with me just ask


6. You can talk however you want but no SWEARING you can sensor it

10. Password: Tag your friends or tag me 

11. Also if this is not good or anything just comment and I'll try and fix it as best as I can

12. You can tag friends and me but not too many times...I have a life too

13. You can have different colored fur but nothing too weird.

14. BE NICE. This roleplay welcomes all kinds of sexuality's so be nice please or I will have to kick you out or ban you guys.

15. You will have 4 warnings and if you still don't listen I'll have to kick you guys out or either ban you guys which I really don't want to be doing.


Have a lot of FUN :) ^^

Also I didn't make this book by myself. I had A LOT of help by my awesome friend @XWildXWolfX so I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out so now I owe you...whatever you need help with I'll be there....^^

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