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Hey, thank you for reading this. Before geting into it I would like to say a few things.

1. This is my first ever fanfiction so writing might be messy at times, please bear with me on this.

2. I'm currently studying for my exams, my first one is on Thursday so there will be no actual reaction chapters released until after June 8th because I need to study because as I  have conditional offers for uni and really don't want to stay in school for 6th year.

3. The updates you will get though will be of cast lists and mood boards as making these are quite relaxing

4. Ive casted Walker Scobell as Percy and using Mckenna Grace for Annabeth but only temporarily until her casting is announced but I'm struggling to find an age appropriate Grover so any help would be appreciated, even though it would be temporary untill he's cast too.

5. I'm bringing the og six avengers with Fury, Coulson and Maria Hill to react, but if there are any others you guys would like let me know! I'm also having the Gods react too so I'll be casting them too!

Hopefully this is the only authors note I have to write and thank you for being patient

Cast list should be up soon hope you enjoy 😀 

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the plot or the characters just their reactions

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