Chapter 7

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At first, he couldn't see anything.

Only pitch black.

Though, despite wearing a jacket, he felt cold but not too cold. his cheek was pressed against something hard and cold. he was too afraid to open his eyes.

He took control of his hand, sliding it across the cold surface.  it felt like a metal floor. he heard felt vibrations under his cheek, making that humming noise that echoed through his ears.

Where that fuck am I?

He opened his eyes, his eyes trying to get used to the light around him. thankfully, he wasn't tied up into anything, so he had the space to move. the walls were a strange red. a red that was not too dark but not too bright either.

The floors were just metal. 

Nothing really changed on him. no missing clothes, bruises or cuts. he let out a sigh of relief but he was still frightened. 

Where was he?

Why was he here?

Burt slowly sat up, looking around.

The place was small, like if he was trapped in a box. there was nothing in the room other than a small rectangle window, something that could have been used as a bed and a bucket. Burt crawled over to the bucket, relived to see nothing in it.

Though, imagining what could have been in the bucket disgusted him.

No thank you..

He backed away from the bucket and looked around once more, only to be greeted by pain red walls. he let out a sigh and decided to look out the small window. though, his only problem was, it was out of his reach.

He turned the bucket over and pushed it so it could be above the window. he carefully stepped on the bucket's flat surface and lifted himself, so he could take a peek.

He gasped once he saw where he was.

Clouds.. a blue sky. 

I'm on something that could fly. meaning... I'm above ground.

The small bucket couldn't support Burt's weight and slipped out of his feet, causing him to fall onto the ground. he hissed in pain as his head hit the hard floor. he sat up to rub the back of his head.

He now realized that the only reason why the room was bright was because of the window and the light from outside of this room.

Meaning, it's gonna be real dark once it's night.

"I see that you're awake."

The voice startled him, causing him to turn around and back up to the wall. he stared at the tall figure that was standing at the doorway.

The man was tall, a redhead, clearly. he looked like he was around his late 30's due to the mustache that he had. his mustache wasn't curly, it was hanging from his upper lip. the man looked a lot like someone he knew. he just couldn't find out who.

He was a cyborg as well. half of his once human body replaced with cybernetics.

Do I know you..?

He ended up staring at him, flinching only a bit once he heard the door behind the man close with a hiss. his classic poker face remained, only his eyes were wide. the man looked confused, as if he was wondering why Burt seemed surprised on why he was there.

"I see that you've grown." he said, crouching to Burt's eye level. he reached to touch Burt but he hesitated. "you looked much younger when I last saw you." the man sighed. Burt relaxed once he heard his voice.

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