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I didn't know what kind of trigger to put on this, the best way I can describe this is like a very big panic attack, a mini breakdown.

Joe took his eyes off the quiet motorway for a split second, turning his head to the passenger seat where his girlfriend was sat head leant against the window, her hands placed on her stomach. Even though he took his eyes off the road for just a fraction of a second it was enough for him to notice the black smudge of mascara around her eyes caused by the tears falling down her pale face.

"Oh my god dot, what's wrong? You alright?"
He rested his hand carefully on her thigh, rubbing his thumb over her bare skin just below her shorts.
The redhead simply nodded and continued to stare out the window, biting her lip in attempt to stop any noises escaping her mouth.

"What's wrong my love?"
He asked again clearly seeing she wasn't ok. This was the thing with dianne, she could be crying, her face stained wirh eye makeup like it was now and she would still say she was fine.

"I...I guess, I'm just worried"
She took her head of the window, sitting up straight and placing her hand ontop of Joe's, intertwining their fingers. She used her other hand to wipe away the tear currently rolling down her cheek.

"What are you worried about?"
He asked her softly

She stuttered.

"Is there anything you can specifically point down? Maybe we can talk about it and then find the root of the problem from that"
He suggested

"Its nothing....I'm just hormonal"
Dianne continued to wipe away her tears trying to convince herself she was alright and she was just being I've dramatic.

"We've had this conversation before dot. You're pregnant, it's normal for you to get hormonal. Can you tell me what's wrong?"
He said.
Dianne was 10 weeks pregnant and even though the pregnancy was very much planned and expected, dianne was finding pregnancy more difficult than she anticipated. She hadn't had many physical symptoms, like morning sickness and pains. She was struggling more with the mental aspects of it all. Since she found out, she hadn't been herself. She was happy of course, she was having a baby, but she had been alot more panicked and often found herself in situations like this where she could cry and cry for hours.

"But it really is everything I'm worried about"
She told him

"Well tell me about it. I have time"
He said

"I'm just worried about something happening to the baby. Or me. Or you. I dont know. What if I miscarry? What if I end up drinking too much caffeine by accident and it damages the baby? What if somebody hurts me, and it hurts the baby? What if there actually is no baby in there, and I'm living in some kind of simulation? What if I die? What if you die? What happens if...."

"Ok.....slow down."
Joe squeezed her hand three times, their secret sign of love for eachother.

"Are you angry at me? Am I overthinking? Am I being too dramatic?"
She asked him

"No of course not. We just need to talk about one thing at a time that's all. Firstly, do you know where all these thoughts are coming from? Do you genuinely think these things, has somebody said something to you, have you read something online? And you can be honest. If you genuinely think those things are going to happen you can admit it"
He told her

"I don't know. I just think I'm scared."
She said

"What are you scared about?"
He asked her

"Something bad happening"
She told him

"Ok.....have you felt like this from the very beginning?"
Joe asked. They had, had many conversations like this after ever panic attack dianne had, had but never gotten to the root of the problem. What was making her panic so much. This was the first time they were getting somewhere and finding out what was really going on in diannes head.

Love is Electric- joe and dianne one shots Where stories live. Discover now