Mafia War

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Lunar Red a Russian mafia leader born into the mafia gang Red Night. at a young age she had learned to kill with her bare hands, learned to fire a gun, learned to do many things a child shouldn't go through. then there's Billie O'Connell her enemy, Billies parents are the reason Lunar's parents are dead. the O'Connell's blew up the Red family. Lunar should have been involved in the explosion as well but she was in the desert training to become head leader of the Red Night's. 

the night Lunar was told her family had been killed, Lunar went on a rampage and killed lots of Mafia leaders. but before she could of gotten to the O'Connell's they had hidden into a safe house, the week after her parents and siblings death she was pronounced leader of Red Night's at only 16. ever since then she has been killing off mafias one bye one. becoming well known for her acts of murder. 


today is the day we set up our full plan to finally kill off the O'Connell's and become the most powerful mafia in America. "prosnis', u nas yest' dela" my Russian accent comes out thick and loud, I soon hear a multiple of foot steps coming down the stairs. everyone is now sitting around the meeting table which has bags of drugs money food or guns on it " the next couple of weeks are going to be very tiring and very chaotic and lots more so I need everyone to keep there strength up and stay healthy I don't need anyone falling behind with this plan, it has to be done with precaution and kept on the down low if word get out about this the O'Connell's wont hesitate to attack us " I say loud over the hundreds of people in the room, I hear little feet walking up behind me and a tug on my shirt, Jay is awake, Jay is my son he's 2 years old. I turn around and pick him up making him giggle I run my hands threw his curly blonde hair and hold him in my arms and finish talking to the gang. 

once I've finished the meeting I take jay up to my room and put him in the bath getting him ready for day care. once he's dressed in his outfit I make him some porridge and make him some hand made orange juice. he eats it then takes his dishes over to the sink and thanks me for the food. I let jay crawl around on the floor in my room while I get ready to take him to day care. 


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Lunar.exe. (jays off to his first day of day care he's getting big) 

Alex. May (have to let me come visit miss my lil cousin)

Lyla. May (looks just like his angel mother)

Cari.b (he's the cutest)

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 I finish getting ready I put on a loose black suit.

 I finish getting ready I put on a loose black suit

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