Chapter 1

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Gon and Killua both loved traveling, but one issue was finding stable housing while out and about. Sure they'd both become accustomed to spending nights under the stars throughout their lives, but that didn't mean a warm home wasn't nice, or preferable.

Maybe not entirely in this case. To Killua, anyways. Ever since they'd decided to stay at Palm's house his emotions had been at an all time high. It was only natural considering how creepy Palm was to Gon.

Gon on the other hand saw nothing wrong with it. He took it upon himself to try to cheer Killua up or get him to relax when he could.

Today he'd decided to distract him by the two of them practicing their Ren technique. It meant they'd probably end up exhausted...but they were both determined to last longer this time around. After all, how else would they master it?

"W-Welcome to my new home, Gon." She stuttered while obviously ignoring Killua's existence.

"I'm still moving things around so you'll have to excuse me for the mess." The room they were in had a lot of boxes. One of the boxes being full of sharp objects and another with drawings that Killua noticed looked very similar to them.

"If I had known you were dropping by, I would have gotten things here a little more organized much quicker." That wasn't entirely true. Using her power, Palm had known the boys were in town and had been preparing for their eventual arrival.

"Thanks for having us!" Gon stood up on his tiptoes to better greet her, giving her a very sweet kiss on the cheek.

Killua bristled at that affectionate display. "...Yeah." He stuck his hands into his pockets, pausing when he saw the drawings. He hesitated and looked over to Gon. Gon was none the wiser. Maybe he should keep it to himself. For now, anyway. The drawings were too creepy to ignore entirely. Who did that? Well...creepy stalkers, obviously.

"Oh, do you need help unpacking?" Gon offered. It really couldn't take too long if they all worked together.

"Hey, did you just forget our plans or something?" Killua wasn't about to let Gon just change things.

Gon blinked, then pouted. "It wouldn't take that long!"

"O-Oh no, t-that's fine, Gon. Umm, thank you though." Palm was a stuttering mess after Gon kissed her.

'I just can't wait to have him all to myself, but first,' Palm knew she had to take care of Killua before she could put her plan into motion.

She thought about simply attacking Killua but would recall how that didn't turn out well last time. When she attacked Killua, he easily dodged her knife and ran off with Gon.

'I'll have to wait till they're done training.' Palm would pat Gon on the head. Telling him she appreciated his help, but says she doesn't want to interrupt their training. Plus she had something to take care of down in the basement. Saying she has a surprise for him when he's done training.

"I'll let you get to training then." Palm would walk past Killua, not once ever acknowledging his existence.

Gon pushed up into the head pats like a happy puppy. "You're welcome! It's the least we could do." He nodded when she said she didn't want to interrupt their training, turning to Killua.

Killua was not pleased in the slightest about any of this. What a hag Palm was, just ignoring him like that...the mention of a surprise made him raise his guard even more.

They stood next to each other, waiting on the other for confirmation that they were both ready. When they knew they were, they each took in a deep breath, then activated their Ren. They were hoping it'd go better than last time, but once an hour had passed...they both hit the ground, falling into a deep sleep.

Cherubim x PalmOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant