Untitled Story Part

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Hey (y/n) Niall called out to you from in the living room. Yeah Niall you said with a worried face because of the way Niall's face was red as if he was crying he looked up at you and said come over here and cuddle with me princess I want to tell you something.ok you said while walking over to him you sat down beside him and he looked at you and pulled you on to his lap And said something that made your heart skip a beat Do still love me or is this a scam to get what you want from me he asked with the most serious and a very broken face WHAT. You said to Niall why would you ever ask me a question like that of course I love you and I'll always love you no matter what happens you'll always be the one for me and I'll will never use you to get what I want because all I want is your love and that's it you said to Niall with tears coming out you nice dark brown eyes he put his hand on your dark tone skin and said well I'm glad to hear that because I love you so freaking much I'll do ANYTHING for you just to make you happy and to see that. Smile every morning I'll put my. Life on the line for you I'll do. Anything and everything to keep you in my life I wanna do something for you princess Niall took you off his lap and put you on the couch you to were sitting on and he got down on one knee and pulled out a black box and and open it and ask those words you never thought will be said to you and by the person you love (y/n) you made me the most happiest man alive and you bring joy in to my life you make me laugh and smile more then ever and I want to start a family together while Niall was saying all this you began to cry then he asked (y/n) will you do the biggest thing ever and make me even more happy WILL YOU MARRY ME MY PRINCESS.......... (y/n) Niall said then you went back to reality and look a Niall he had a worry face on and you said Ohh YES YES YES NIALL I WILL MARRY YOU MY PRINCE YES and with that he put the ring on you and you to spent the whole night in each others arm.

Hope you liked it I know it sucks but hey not everyone is good a writing.

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