[Chapter 1] - Dawn of a New Odyssey

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The multiverse theory is a fickle subject among the many brilliant minds of researchers and conspiracy theorists, it is described as the existence of multiple worlds, each one similar to the last one but simply with tiny details changed.

Many enthusiasts wants to know exactly what the multiverse is, is it real or fake?

Like every other multiple alternate universes, everything seemingly revolved within one of the most famous and well-known galaxy; the spiralling Milky Way.

Its cosmos shone brightly with the countless stars and its faraway light beaming down onto the planets and moons in the many galaxies spread across the celestial.

With so many different star systems and planets, one would not find a world teaming with life so much as Earth, known as the Blue Planet, Gaia and Terra.

One of the most diverse planet the solar system has to offer, Earth is home to many species and races of life with mankind taking the top of the food chain, most of the times.

If not for the gigantic lifeforms known as "Ultra Kaiju" that seemingly appear out of random moments at humanity's most unexpected times, the monsters emerges from nowhere to wreck havoc on mankind and its creations.

They can appear anywhere at anytime, which is why the Earth itself has developed new technology to counterattack against the monsters, which proved to be easier said than done.

Especially if the said monster appeared on the Earth's orbiting moon, and since there has not been any development in weapons that are capable of shooting into outer space, mankind's forces can only watch the ongoing battle that is happening on there.

Despite the soundless vacuum of space, there can be rumbles heard and tremors felt through the moon's surface as new craters formed when multiple explosions occurred over the land.

Another blast of monstrous energy rocketed through the vacuum of space, forcing a giant figure to roll away from the attack before it can hit him. 

The figure then stood up, revealing himself to be stripped with purple, red and silver colorations with its body seemingly made up of fragmented glasses. The head, chestplate and the light in the middle appeared to be composed of unknown metallic material.

There in the middle, the azure light shone bright and strong as the figure fought on.

There in the middle, the azure light shone bright and strong as the figure fought on

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[The Giant of Light - Ultraman Tiga - Multi Type]

The titan continued dodging and rolling away from the blasts of hostile energy, the creature in source of the attacks soon revealed itself from the dust and smoke.

With a curved and beaked head and glowing blue eyes, the gigantic creature stood at the same height as the titan, with massive claws and arms and crystal spines on its back.

The monster stomped towards Tiga, the light from within its head-like chest glowing brighter as more projectiles were shot towards the Ultraman, forcing him to roll away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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