Chapter 9

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Both Stiles and Danny could hardly keep the smiles from their faces as they knocked on Dannys grandparents home. When his grandmother answers both boys yell "Tutu!"before pulling the old women into a group hug.

"Oh you boys have changed so much! I love your tattoos! Oh come in. Come in your grandfather would love to see you both!"

The boys smirked at each other before following the woman into the kitchen, swarming the old man into a hug as he exclaims "ah my grandsons! You look well boys."

Visiting together had made the couple refer to Stiles as their grandson, much like Stiles father called Danny his son. They were more like siblings than best friends due to their past two years experiencing everything they did together.

The old women wondered to the kitchen and before they knew it they were all drinking tea while explaining what has happened over the last month though Danny had already told them. "So you think its coming here because of the Nemeton?" the old man said, deep in thought "you need some things things that we dont have but we have a contact, Deaton the vet is expecting you tomorrow at nine. He'll help you with whatever you need."

Stiles grumbled "I dont think he likes me too much."

Dannys grandmother smirked "it doesn't matter, he owes this family, and this will be how he will repays us" neither of the boys dared questioned her when she spoke in that tone, so they slipped into a casual conversation for the next few hours until they left for Stiles fathers house.

The boys parked on the side of the road in front of noahs house and grabbed a few bags full of their things before walking up to the front door. Stiles didn't even need to get his keys out as the door flung open to reveal Noah with a wide smile "ah my boys are home!"

They both welcomed the hug, but Stiles grumbled "you know he's not actually your son right?"

Danny poked his tongue out at Stiles, making him roll his eyes while Noah just felt happy. When they walked into the house he froze and said "Stiles I know you said you got tattoos but how many did you get?"

Stiles cringed before replying "with a few? I would show you but they're everywhere."

He had been careful not to show his father all his scars, especially not the ones on his back. Noah just rolled his eyes and motioned to the stairs go get settled in, "I've got to pop out to work quickly but I'll be back for dinner."

The boys ran up to their rooms to get changed into workout gear. Noah sighed as he left the house, he felt annoyed but knew it was because Stiles thought he wouldn't handle the scars, he just wanted to be there for his son. Nevertheless Noah drove to work, and the boys ran out to the back yard with long sticks Helene would make them use during training.

They did some casual workouts before getting into combat, starting out with the sticks before moving on to hand to hand. By the time they got to hand to hand combat Danny spoke up between heavy breaths "I know we were going to ignore it until it goes away but it isn't going away Stiles. It's not going away until you actually talk about it- figure out how to stop it."

Stiles just grunted as his attacks became harder, making Danny focus more. They had probably been outside training for well over four hours and Danny couldn't help but grow frustrated, neither boy noticed the car arrive or Noah standing at the back door, waiting for the perfect moment to speak up.

Danny attacked, pushing Stiles to the ground, and pinning him down as he yelled "you cant keep ignoring this Stiles! Helene is dead! Shes not coming back, and you need to deal with your panic attacks because what if you have one during a hunt! Youll kill us both!"

All the fight left Stiles body as he sighed and nodded "I- I know I just. Every time I see something that reminds me of her or that ghoul or the pack I just completely lose it."

"What the hell just happened?" Noah yelled in shock; he knew Helene was dead, but he didn't know about Stiles panic attacks coming back.

They both scrambled to stand then Stiles cringed at his fathers face and remembered he had taken his shirt off a while ago. Both boys were paralysed as Noah walked closer to his son, taking in every one of the scars littering his pale skin, in between the tattoos. Just before Noah could turn Stiles to see his back there was a knock.

Noah mentally slapped himself and muttered "it's a Friday. Melisa normally comes round on Friday for dinner, I'm so sorry boys I didn't tell her not to come but I'll get rid of her."

Thankful for the distraction Stiles snatched his shirt, slipping it on before smirking at his father "oh it's fine, I haven't seen her in two years."

The three men walked to the front door. The two all but blood brothers a few steps behind Noah as he opens the door. But what they didn't know yet was Scott had dropped his mother here and as soon as he saw the jeep and smelt Stiles he demanded to join his mother, demanded to see Stiles.

Stiles stare turned from excited to stone cold as he caught sight of Scott McCall. However his glare was short lasting as Melisa squealed "Stiles! Oh my lord you look so different, come on give me a hug!"

Stiles put on a happy mask as he pushed past his father and pulled Melisa into a tight hug, genuinely happy to see her as she pulled away with a smirk "oh my you have tattoos, and piercings! What else is new?"

He huffed a laugh and Danny muttered "he's gay."

But didn't realise it was loud enough for Scott to hear as he questioned "you're gay?"

Stiles turned to glare at his best friend who looked sheepish as he said "sorry I forgot he was a werewolf. Should we go back outside?"

Stiles was so grateful for the out that he jumped at it, clapping his dad on the shoulder, and asked "could you call us when dinner is ready? Or if you need any help with it?"

Noah nodded and the two boys ran outside, but Stiles was fuming "I didn't think I'd be so angry at seeing him again."

Danny thought of the perfect solution as he ran back in the house. Noah and Melisa were cooking but thankfully Scott was nowhere to be seen as he asked, "do you mind if I steal your cups?"

Noah was confused but still agreed and Danny took them, scattering them on the grass. Stiles caught up quickly and grabbed the training sticks, handing one to Danny when he had scattered enough cups. It was something Helene taught them when they were angry, it reminded them about control. They fought around the cups, going through a practised routine and if a cup were hit they would need to restart. You couldn't complete the routine without a calm mind.

Once the exercise was complete Stiles was calm enough to eat dinner, it was even better that Scott had left though he knew he would need to see him again to talk about harassing his father. Catching up with Melisa and his father was amazing and he fell asleep in his room with a smile on his face.

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