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(Hello Guys. I'm just here to thank you for reading this fanfic. It makes me really happy and I had a lot of fun writing it. Check out my askblog for Sam on tumblr (lupos-treasure-planet-askblog) if you want and yeah...have fun with the Epilog. If you have any questions for Sam or the others and don't have tumblr then ask the question here and I'll answer them in the comments + screenshot and upload them on tumblr.)

Timeskip (11 years after the events with treasure planet)

Sam is sitting in the longboat, steering it to the abandoned planet where he was rescued many years ago. The now 27 year old man sighs while holding his head. He's feeling dizzy, bloody tissues are pilling up next to him on the floor. The planet is finally coming in sight. He's snapping out of his childhood memories, flying over the forest and looking over the edge to find the clearing where they first met. He's visiting that place four times a week for almost a year now. Because of Silver, who is buried there. A self made gravestone is marking the place. Finally he spots the clearing, lands and jumps out of the longboat. He unpacks the flowers he got and takes his hat off, well...Silver's hat. Sam places the flowers down in front of the grave and sits down next to it, leaning his back on the cold stone. "Hey old man.", says Sam. "I visited Jim yesterday. We talked a lot about the stuff that happend the week I wasn't visiting him. I had to prepare some stuff. It was our anniversary after all.", Sam chuckles. Sam is pausing for a minute. He's enjoying the sound of the wind in the trees before he's talking again. "Morph is still causing trouble wherever he can. Jim told me that his mothers Inn is booming. Mrs. Amelia's and Dr. Doppler's kids are doing great in school too. They have potential to go to the interstellar academy later." A tear is running down Sam's cheek. He takes a tissue out of his pocket and starts coughing, the white cloth turns red immediately. He stops after a few minutes and puts the cloth away again. "I'm sorry...I should have told you when I found out." He looks up at the clouds. "Do you remember the ship we found during the journey to treasure planet. With the pile of documents and files? I found mine there...everything is written down in it. Every success but also every failure. And one of those failures is that my lifespan isn't so long...", he's sobbing now while holding his chest. "You also asked me what I gave Jim back then when we left. It was a summary of my file. He wanted to know the truth...", Sam pauses while smiling. "I gave him the location of this place so he can visit us.", he chuckles but those quickly turn into cries while he's looking up. "It's my fault...that you got killed. I should have paid more attention...and you shouldn't have jumped in to dodge the shot for me.", he finishes. Sammy's standing up and walks over to the longboat to get his file before he feels his head spinning. He walks back to the grave and sits down again. Sammy leans his back on the stone and looks up one last time with Silver's hat in his lap and his file next to him. Then he's closing his eyes with a smile, his breath is getting slower. "Well...see ya in a minute...Dad."

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