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The girl frowned stomping her way towards the woods. Her long ebony hair was braided beautifully with flowers and feathers which spoke of her Dahuki birth and her clothes were lined with animal skins which was a style native to her tribe. Fisting her little hands she caught sight of a group of boys and girls giggling and laughing near the large cluster of trees as she made her way towards them, anger radiating from her very being.

"Oman!" She yelled out aloud silencing all the other children. The boy named Oman turned around and gulped seeing the seething girl as he tried a nervous half smile and an equally nervous wave. "oh.. Hey Coral-" "OMAN LAPIS YOU DID NOT JUST PAINT MY TIGER SKIN BLACK!" Coral roared charging towards the terrified boy who shrieked making a run for the village. "C-Coral! I'm sorry! I'm sorry forgive me! The boys forced me-" The boy ran as fast as he could from the charging girl who gripped her ruined tiger skin skirt which was splashed with tar. "I thought... I thought you were my best friend! Traitor! You're just jealous my father could hunt one down."

The boy stopped abruptly making the girl pause and catch her breath too. "What did you say?" His calm voice made Coral look up and there was Oman, looking at her with a stoic expression. "Yes! You were jealous right?" Coral was near tears as she looked away from Oman's still gaze. "The boys made me do it because your skin was too small. I was to go hunting this hunt festival and bring you a bigger one." Oman mumbled before walking away. Coral glared at his retreating form with tear filled eyes before giving chase.

Soon she rammed into the poor boy making him squeal in surprise and fall face first on the ground. Coral flipped him around, sat on his stomach and gave him a strong punch on one cheek before hugging him tightly. "You'll not go for the hunt!" she shouted as Oman winced at her loud voice. Hugging the girl on top of him with one hand and nursing his injured cheek with another he smiled closing his eyes. "I'll get you the best tiger skin just wait and watch" he vowed to himself before patting her back. "Get off you heavy pig!" Coral stood up sniffling before helping her bestfriend up too.

"Does it hurt?" She looked at the swollen cheek as Oman nodded slowly. Coral has always been an unpredictable child, you never know what she's thinking or what she's about to do. The only person she could trust and who cared about her was Oman, the tribe general's son.

"Good it should!" And she promptly grabbed hold of his shoulder, pulled him close and kissed the bruise. "It's good it hurts!" she mumbled glaring daggers at him as Oman blushed in every shade of pink.

It was finally the day of the hunt festival.

Coral sat beside the old Dahuki tribe leader Opal and cheered as the warriors slowly walked in. "Father! Father!" she jumped up waving as her father walked in with his spear, a long sword and multiple knives. He smiled warmly at his daughter and was soon followed by the general. "Uncle Tahir!" Coral was the most excited of all the spectators and Opal laughed looking at her joy. But soon her excitement died down when she saw who had followed after the general.

"OMAN YOU FOOL!" Oman's head whipped around as he winced looking at a fuming Coral. If not for the barrier and the presence of the tribe members and adults, Coral would have easily jumped over and smacked Oman out of the universe. "Fool! Why are you even there?!" Coral felt the anxiety and worry about Oman's safety creep in as the flag bearer blew the conch loudly.

Opal placed her hand on Coral's head and smiled sadly, "Child... Oman has crossed 14 ... He is eligible to go now." All male children over the age of 14 had to go for the hunt festival and help hunt down atleast one beast. Coral feared the worst seeing the threats her father faces every time. "But.. But the beasts.." "He won't learn unless he faces the threats himself. I have full faith in Oman, he's a brave kid." "Impulsive fool..." Coral mumbled staring at all the warriors who stood tall and proud closing their eyes and relaxing their nerves to the steady beat of the war drum.

The wind blew caressing each one's head like a blessing as the flag bearer blew the conch once again. Tribe members were not allowed to speak to the warriors unless the festival was over and even though it was an exciting thing it was also extremely dangerous for many returned heavily injured. Oman glanced at Coral one last time as he playfully flexed his muscles before her. Coral rolled her eyes in annoyance but deep within she was impressed by how handsome her 16 year old bestfriend looked and how brave he was to take up this job.

Suddenly she stood up and began singing the tribe's song. As her melodious voice flowed among everyone she was soon joined by the other tribe members and soon the whole tribe was singing it.

"Oh the brave and the mighty,
Spirits of nature,
Protect us, help us,
Now and in future.

Oh the gentle spirits of the forest,
Oh the sleeping spirits around me,
Oh the silent saviour Goddess,
Protect your children, the Dahuki...

Be it storm or fire
Flood or ice,
Drought or earthquake,
Volcano, thunder strikes

Fight. Be bold. Fight. "


Be bold...


Just come back safe and sound to me...

Coral had a very bad feeling about this hunt. She almost didn't want to let Oman go but she tried to convince herself that she was just paranoid. As tears clouded her vision she saw the warriors walking away into the dark and dangerous forest as Oman threw her one last smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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