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A tired tall brunet shouted name of his older brother. But no one answered.
A boy yelled again, he started to worry his brother almost alyways waited for him in the kitchen unless he was at his friends house. But he was home right?.
Brunet asked again making his way upstairs.
Tears started droping down his face on the floor and his hands. Boy isn't in his room but he was not that long ago,blood was all over the floor and there was hand print on the wall.

-It's all that we have about him.
-No date birth, age, name? Family nothing, it's just like he never existed...
Police tried to figure out how, when, where he went missing but they didn't even knew his real name or age. They had nothing the only thing they had about him is that he had a scar on his lips, he was blond and had green-Grey eyes. Thats all.

-I think we should stop looking after him, we don't know shit and it's been 5 months. We don't have time to look after some stupid kid that probably just ran away.

Men named jack The man shrank as he heard the chief officer's voice.

-We will not stop looking until the allotted time by the demand has elapsed, our priority is to find out where he disappeared, who he is and what is happened to him. So shut your god damn mouths before i do it.

-Sorry officer...

Ayuppp :DD

This part is really short because it's the first part of the book kinda prologue. But i hope you will like it. :]]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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