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Something was chasing me as I ran through the rainforest. I look at my black claws, seeing a hit of green. I slam into a tree, seeing black.

I wake up in a cave, hearing water flowing, and seeing the dim light of torches. I'm bound to the ground with chains...



Hyacinth shook his head. "What was that?" He looked out at the rising sun as he rubbed his head in confusion. The dragon was a Nightwing and Rainwing hybrid. He was five years old and mostly resembled a Nightwing, with the exception that his underbelly and lower half of his legs, as well as his wing membrane, could change color, though it usually stayed lime green. He had a similar stature to a nightwing, but thinner.

He looked at the savannah, and the giant buildings in the distance, the Hives, with the barely visible dragons weaving in and out of the buildings and the bridges. He focused on a greenhouse, a very tall one with leaves pressing on the top of it. That. That was the tunnel home, and to Jade Mountain. He took a deep breath in, allowing his heart to stop beating so fast.

"Hyacinth! Where are you? Mother wants us home before nightfall! " Hyacinth’s sister, Moonflower, yelled from the ground. Moonflower is Hyacinth’s twin sister. She somehow had more rainwing than Hyacinth, only having her underbelly and inner sides of her legs being the nightwing parts. She was noticeably thinner than her brother, but still looked healthy.

"Coming!" he started down the tree, trying his best not to fall. "Let’s go to Jade Mountain tomorrow with Mum! She looked worried about something, I think it’s Moon and her progress at school," Hyacinth said as he walked to his sister. He smiled warmly at his sister.

"Probably, she’s always worried about us, more so of Moon." Moonflower said to her brother as she jumped and started to fly, Hyacinth following.

"The tunnels are amazing; we can go to the hives and back to play with Dusty and Bumblebee!" Hyacinth exclaimed happily.

"Yes, yes, now hurry, it may be morning here, but it’s almost night at home!" Moonflower started to fly faster, with Hyacinth flying after her.

They landed by the greenhouse, going to the "leaving" line, soon hearing a few other dragons land behind them. 

"Can't believe we're almost 6! And Moon is almost 7, but I digress. " Hyacinth spoke, trying to get rid of the awkward silence.

"Yea, yea. Come on, we're next. " Moonflower walked up to the dragon by the tunnel opening. "Hello, Fox!" 

The red and black hivewing smiled, twining their tails together. "Hello Moonflower, your birthday is in a few days, correct? You'll be my age, for about 3 days. "

You may be older, but I'm smarter. We're going home. See you on our hatchday?" She asked, smiling to the other.

"Of course! Now, get home, you're holding up the line." Fox said in their "I have work, but I'm being nice because I like you" voice.

"Alright," Moonflower sighed, untwining their tails and walking into the tunnel with Hyacinth.

"How come you never twine tails with me or mum and mother?" He said, in a slightly annoyed voice.

"None of your business." She said it, not in a rude tone, but more embarrassed.

"Fine, let's just get home." Hyacinth leads the way home, with Moonflower close behind.

After about 5 minutes of walking, they came out the other end of the tunnel, into the clearing, where all the tunnels were. They flew up, and over Jade Mountain, occasionally waving to dragons they knew, and landed at home, seeing their nightwing mother outside of the house, waiting for them.

 "Moonflower! Hyacinth! Just in time, "their mother, Secretkeeper, called to them. She was tall, sleek, and almost always tired.

"Mother!" The twins replied as they trotted over, hugging their mother.

"Come on, we can chat about what you did today during dinner. What do you want to eat today? Maybe we can bring something to Mango to see if she'll try something new today. " Secretkeeper smiled at her adopted children. She didn't know their father, nor did she care. She loved them the same as she loved her own child.

The three trotted over to a meat shop, laughing and having fun. They then went home, continuing that happy family laughter within the house.

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