Chapter 1

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This wasn't good. It was almost midday and they were still working through their shopping list.

Momo looked up at the clock tower in the distance. The astronomical tower, like the rest of the city, was made out of pure marble with rose gold and opal details that reflected the bright sunlight overhead and made the city of Amor glow.

Momo pushed her bangs behind her ear and turned back around. They needed to hurry. The festival would start soon and all the regular shops would close for the next three days.

Amor was a decently sized city that had gained its fortune from being known as the city of love and romance. And the Midsummer Festival was their largest celebration to highlight that industry. For the next three days all regular business would be closed as the citizens partook in games, feasts and elaborate balls to flaunt the city's prosperity.

She looked back down at the piece of parchment in her hands and bit her lip. "We still need meat," Momo said, folding up her list and tucking it inside of her emerald cloak. "And I need to restock our supply of potions."

Todoroki hummed in acknowledgment, his heterochromatic steel gray and turquoise eyes sliding to the side to watch the street fill with festival goers.

Momo looked up at him from under her lashes. Todoroki Shouto was one of the country's top mercenaries. Tall, with a toned body, he was a handsome man with a full head of red and white hair split evenly between the two colors.

They had met six months ago, when she had trudged through the dark forest and banged on his door requesting his services. For how reluctant he had been to help her on her quest, he had quickly become an indispensable ally and someone she trusted with her life.

A white horse drawn carriage rode past them, dragging her attention away from her companion. The young couple sitting in the open coach were busy cuddling and kissing affectionately.

Momo averted her gaze. To be expected that couples would be displaying affection so openly right before the festival. Momo chewed lightly on her bottom lip. They needed to get going before the celebrations started.

Where was the butcher?

Momo looked around. At the far end of the stall, the butcher was busy flirting with a group of young women dressed in pastel pink and lavender silks. The women kept blushing and throwing Todoroki secretive glances.

Her stomach twisted and a rush of anger flared through her at their heated stares. How shameless. Didn't they know it was rude to be so forward? Immediately the hot feeling in her chest turned cold, as anger was replaced by guilt.

It was uncharacteristic of her to get so worked up over the women's blatant ogling. It wasn't like women hadn't gawked at Todoroki before; even with a burn scar over his left eye, he was easily one of the most handsome men she had ever seen.

It must be all the stress from traveling this last week. She must be getting tired.

Momo sighed.

It wasn't like Todoroki would ever figure out that the women were interested in him, anyway; if there was one thing true about her sell sword companion, it was that he could be incredibly dense to these types of things.

Momo blinked as a shadow blocked her view.


She looked up.

Todoroki's brows furrowed slightly as he watched her. His face remained blank, but his eyes clouded slightly, relaying his silent concern.

The knot in Momo's stomach slowly untwisted. Todoroki was always so considerate. Underneath the cold exterior he portrayed, he was the kindest man she had ever met. And he always seemed to know when she was getting trapped by her thoughts and knew exactly what to do to relax her.

Dose of Courage - TodoMomo (18+)Where stories live. Discover now