The Strongest Team

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Double Update!

The self-proclaim Fairy Tail's strongest team head for their mission to take down the dark guild known as Eisenwald from using the flute with the melody of death, the Lullaby. After they able to get out from the wind barrier, Natsu immediately chase after Erigor with Happy's help to prevent him from reaching the Clover Town where the Guild Masters are having a meeting.

(Train Rail)

At the rain trail that heading toward Clover town, Taiga is driving the vehicle directly toward the town in order to prevent Erigor from using the Lullaby to kill the guild masters. Erza sit next to Taiga.

Taiga: Just wait for us, Gramps.

Erza: Taiga, should we switch place?

Taiga: No, I'm okay. I didn't use my magic much so I get plenty of supply.

Erza: Listen, I know you worried. We all worried.

Taiga: Of course we are! But all we need to do now is to reach Clover! And while still far... Natsu is our only hope! I believe he can stop Erigor!

Erza: Yeah... Me too.

The car stumble a bit but still fine. Luna have her face out of the window because of the motion sickness.

Luna: Urghh... I'm gonna die soon... A-Achoo! Achoo! Geez... Why my allergies... have to kick out... now? Achoo!

Lex: Sorry, Luna. I promise I'll try to stay as far away from you.

Luna: T-Thank you... Achoo!

Kageyama: Damn it... You guys are too carefree.

Lucy: So, why is Taiga seems so worried about? We all do worry about the master.

Gray: Well, it make sense if he worry too much. If anyone who would be very worried about Gramps, it would be Taiga.

Lucy: Huh? Why?

Gray: Oh right, you're new so you don't know. Taiga is our master's grandson.

Lucy: Ohhh... Wait, what?!

(Canyon Train Rail)

At the train rail at the canyon side, Natsu and Erigor are battling each other.

Natsu: Bring it! I'll incinerate that dangerous flute!

Erigor: You broke out from the magic wind wall? What pests you flies are. Let me through. Begone.

He activate his magic and blow a strong wind at Natsu.

Natsu: *struggling* This ain't...!

When the wind stops, Natsu jumps in the air by boosting himself with fire from his legs. He throw a barrage of punch, but misses and Erigor block some with his scythe.

Erigor: *in mind* What? He jumps and punches with flames? And such force! I'd never think a mage could punch like that!

Natsu: *land on the rail* Damn it! Stop flutterin' around up there, it ain't fair! Get down and fight like a man!

Erigor: Don't get too cocky, fly!

He create a large tornado around Nstsu.

Erigor: Storm Bringer!

The tornado sent Natsu flying and spinning in the air. Happy tries to help but he couldn't because he don't have enough magic and strength. The tornado sent Natsu falling off the rail.

Erigor: Eheheh. Flames can't help him fly!

Happy: Natsu!

While Natsu is falling, he is thinking a way to get back up. His head hit some rocks while falling, and he ended up remembering what Macao taught him about fire that it can be change the properties, solidified and act the way the user wish for. Then a burst of flame comes from below the canyon before it formed into a large arm. Erigor shocked of it as Natsu able to get back up on the rail.

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