Knock them dead (steven)

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(Steven pov)

Thanks for coming!!" I told a customer

I sighed happily. Just then a girl who was carrying some boxes come up to the counter

Umm hello" I said look around the boxes to be met my the most beautiful (e/c) eyes I have ever seen

Help me please!!!" She said desperately and clearly out of breath

Oh umm sorry" I said picking up the boxes from her arms

Oh it fine" she said smiling at me

You new here?" I ask as I unload the stuffed animals from the boxes "because I have never seen you before

Ya I am actually I just started today" she said leaning against the counter

Oh well umm my names Steven grant" I said smiling at her

Well My names  is (f/n) (l/n)" she said happily

Oh well nice to meet you (y/n)" I said

Well see you around Steven " she said as she walked off

Wow" thought Steven blushing

(your pov)

*Later that night*

I should have asked him out!!" I said pacing back and forth in my room

Look you were nervous so you forgot its fine just try again tomorrow" your (b/f/n) said looking over from the book they were reading

Ya but we don't have anything coming in for the gift shop for another week!!!" I said frustrated

Why don't you just tell him??" Your (b/f/n) said going back to the book they were reading

Because I'm to nervous!!! Like what if he rejects me!!! What if he turns me down!!!" I said as i sit down on my bed with a sad look on my face

Your friend sighed "how about this I go with you tomorrow and make su- I mean remind you to ask him!" Your (b/f/n) said with a big smile on there face

Ok fine! I mean what's the worst that could happen right??

*the next day*

I looked in to the gift shop and sure enough he was there in all he's gorgeous glory. I looked over at my friend she made a waving motion with her hands and mouthed "go on and do it you bastard

I took a deep breath and walked in to the gift shop with as much confidence as a mouse against a cat

Hey!! (Y/n) right?" Steven said with a smile that made my insides melt

Yep that's my name!! Don't wear it out!!" I said nervously

Haha what can I help you with?" He asked

Oh umm just was wondering if you were free this friday night?" I said nervously waiting for the let down

Hmm no I don't think I have anything planned why?" He asked

Oh well I have 2 tickets to go see Hamilton and I was wondering if you would like to come" I said the last part slowly

Oh really!" He said happily "I'd love to come!!

Really!! Well then its a date then!! See you then!!" I said walking away

Wait!!" He shouted "what time!!

8:00!" I yelled back

I met with my best friend a few minutes later at my lunch break

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