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i know i told someone like ten million days ago i was gonna make aaron z top hcs but.. mcdonalds au🚶 also based on me and F4ND0M-B01 s pfps😁

>4Town if they never made a band😍

> Tae Young: "Can i get a cheeseburger, some fries-"

Aaron T: "Okay pull up hoe!"

Tae Young: "I didnt get to finish-"

>Jesse is screaming at karens on the daily😘

>Aaron Z being the employee of the month 24/7😻🎉

>Aaron T spilling fries on the floor☹️

>Tae young being an example for parents like "oi, look, look, why cant you find a boyprend like him?? always leaving the house for this jason boy ayaa.. always this jason jason!"

>Tae Young And AZ being calm in front and then theres Jesse and Robaire fighting over who dropped the fries while it was actually AT and hes just watching them while shoving fries in his mouth😍😍

>AT making a mega shit in the toilet and Robaire gets blamed for it🧍

>Jesse slipping on the fires AT dropped

>Robaire manager real🍅

>The mcdonalds they work at has now been nicknamed to "The hot chaotic boys mcdonalds" by many people

>AZ glaring at rude customers until they get uncomfortable and leave

>Robaire scolding everyone if it gets even more chaotic then it already is if thats possible ‼️

>AZ & T constantly getting people numbers

>T eating the paper with their number on it in front of them😋

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