Chapter 2) The Meeting, but at Nrc Part 1

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A/N: Lemme tell this again just in case anyone forgot. There are two Y/N here, M!Y/N (Male) & F!Y/N (Female)

"Get ready fast, F!Y/N & M!YN!" Grimm said while waiting outside near the doors of two rooms. "Just wait a minute!" F!Y/N replied. It was Sunday today do they didn't have to rush to class. After probably 30 seconds, they came out. "Why did u both take a lot of time to get ready!" Grimm said "Today's Sunday. We don't have classes so we weren't in a rush" M!Y/N replied "Let's go & meet Ace & Deuce, we gotta do our assignments" F!Y/N said. Grimm replied in an angry tone "Whyyy?! I don't wanna see you guys do some boring assignments! The Great Grimm doesn't need assignments!" "We have to do them cause we haven't done the last one too & we have to submit both tomorrow" M!Y/N replied "We weren't able to do the last one cause of a certain someone who kept disturbing us -_-" F!Y/N said & looked at Grimm "Hehehe...." Grim said "Let's go, complete those assignments fast!" After saying that, Grimm ran outside

When the three were in a hallway, some said "M!Y/N! F!Y/N!" The two looked behind & saw Trey "Hello, Trey-senpai!" M!Y/N & F!Y/N said "Hello, I wanted to tell that there will be a meeting & you two, M!Y/N & F!Y/N have to go there too. It's in the mirror chamber" Trey said "But what about Grimm?" F!Y/N said "I will take him to Ace & Deuce" Trey replied. He was about to leave when he said "Also, You both's assignments are cancelled" "Yay!!! But why..?" M!Y/N replied "I don't know that. I gotta go now, see you both later" Trey said & left

"F!Y/N I just remembered something, go to the mirror chamber. I will be back in 5 minutes!" M!Y/N said & ran "💭: I wonder what he remembered..... Hmmm I think I know what he remembered" F!Y/N thought & went towards the chamber

"I am here!" F!Y/N said as she entered the mirror chamber. "Where's M!Y/N??" Kalim asked her. "He remembered something while we were coming here, he will be back soon" F!Y/N answered. "Wait.... Did we forget to invite Malleus?" Vil asked after looking around. "Yes, but child of man told me to come" said Malleus who was in front of the exit. "So I was right about what you suddenly remembered" F!Y/N said smiling. "Let's start the meeting now" Crowley said

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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