chapter 6

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Luckily i woke up with Taylor's slobber all over me and i heard a knock on the door so i quickly rushed into the bathroom and got dressed. Going downstairs i saw that it was joanna and josiah i was so surprised to see them and wondering what they were doing in my house
oh boy u thought of a lot of things to say to them buh I was frozen
   "Well....well....well....if it isn't zamira packer,the girl that thought that I josiah Anderson can ever fall for a low life nobody like her" he paused and they both glared and ne and chuckled
I glared at them back making them think they didn't intimidate me at all
   "Well to cut the long story short I just came to tell you that I'm now with a nice assed girl like joanna who knows how to suite my cravings for sex ok"
  I glared and found courage to say "wow thats nice a slut suites you,you know I actually thoroughly would be with someone better buh apparently you are birds of the same feathers and you have refused to learn how to use your initiative so if you don't mind I've got other important things to do pls leave" I said shoving them out my door immediately I broke into tears and just lost control over my emotions I started to cry buh I decided I'm not gonna go like this to visit mom
  I pulled my self together and went upstairs to grab my luggage and left the house with Taylor
  on my way out I saw that boy that drives wrecklessly around coming
"hey"he said looking at me  with a confused face then he asked "sorry if I'm talking to much buh your eyes are more swollen today I think you should stop crying it doesn't suite pretty girls like you" I looked at him with mo expression "sorry if my words offended you" I just kept on looking at him and the urge to hug and cry on him was in me buhbi just kept battling with in my self if that was the right thing to do to a guy o just met....he kept on talking and I couldn't control it anymore I just hugged him and started to cry out loudly he felt sorry and tried to comfort me. "sorry,just pull yourself together" he said taking me to my front porch
I felt angry and kept on crying and hitting my hand on the wood causing it to bleed
"hey are you crazy,stop that" he yelled as he took both my hands and wrapped it around him
few minutes later I came back to my senses and just took to my heels and made a run for it with Taylor on my left hand and my luggage at the other. since he didn't know  my name he h
just kept on screaming "wait,why you running "
I hope the train ride would be peaceful i just looked at a tired Taylor who was now resting on the floor of the train and I was worn out my self so I slept off
we finally got to the border so I took a private cab and went straight to mum's restaurant apparently it was famous
I got there and got in through the side gate since the main gate was for customers only
I got inside and I was rushed by mom's hug attack.....I missed it so much
"hey sweetie you must be tired let's go to your room,Lillian she's here" wait who's lilian wats going on
A brown skinned lady with aqua marine eyes and pointed noise with dimples greeted me with a smile......come to think of it she looks family buh I can't just pinpoint how
"hey,I'm sure you don't remember me buh I'm Lillian your mom's best friend" the lady said and I just dropped my mouth down to the floor I gave mom a glared and she said " I'm sorry I never told you its just it never came to mind.......  which reminds me you would be sharing the same room with her children Azariah and junia ok" I nodded making my mom smile I head straight to the room expecting to see Lillian's children buh they were no where to be found i went back out to ask mom were they where
on getting outside I saw Mr dog killer the guy who tried running Taylor over with a little girl beside him did he follow me here
nah thats not possible he doesn't even know me
I saw him hugging Lillian and thats when it strucked me they were Lillian's kids

"hey what are you doing here" I said he looked at me suprised and he said "I came to see my mom" pointing at Lillian and just smiled
" so you've met Azariah" woah why his he so gifted he had a nice name and such a nice physique
I looked at the lil girl beside him as she leaned in to pet Taylor
she looked at me and smiled she looks so cute I mean she had Lillian's eyes and nose she was a bit fairier than her mom tho and she had nice sets of dimple on one side eof her cheek unlike Azariah who had on both side
looking at her figure I guessed she is around 12 or so
I picked her bag up and helped her in

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