Why are you in a dumpster? [1]

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Sometimes, Randy feels like giving up.

Okay, a lot of the time, but for good reason.

He works at a phone sex hotline, and he wrangles swans for a living.

Thinking about the people who he gets directed to makes him shudder. And if he has to say that GODDAMNED LINE ONE MORE TIME-

"Owch-! Fuck-" Randy cursed, looking up.
He got hit in the head by a trash bag.

Honestly? Not the worst thing to happen to him in his life.

Did hurt a shit ton though.

The person who threw the trash bag into the dumpster (did he mention he lived in a dumpster?) looked down with confusion and worry lacing their expression.

"Hey, dude, why are you in a dumpster? That isn't sanit- waitwaitwait- Randy?!" The male gasped.

Randy was confused for a moment, before it clicked. "O-Oliver...?"

Oliver grinned. "The one and only! But seriously, why are you in a dumpster dude?" Oliver repeated his question staring down at Randy.

This was not what Randy needed tonight.

"I- aha...uh- I-I just- I uh- aesthetic choice?" Randy spoke to his defense.

Oliver raised an eyebrow. "And what's the aesthetic called? 'Garbage core?'" The shorter remarked jokingly, before going Serious Mode™ again. "Do you live in this dumpster?"

Randy couldn't find words as he stared up at Oliver.

He was about to cry.

In front of Oliver.

In a dumpster.

Can his life get any more shitty?

"I-I- I don't- why would I? Uh- h-how about you l-leave so I can- uh- haha-" Randy sputtered. He tried to talk like a competent human being, but he couldn't. Because he is not.


Oliver frowned. "Hey, dude, it's alright. How about you come to my apartment? For a few days at least. I like your company, and I could use someone to talk to." Oliver proposes, smiling.

Okay, Randy is touch starved. And affection starved. He's honestly just starved of human contact. So the smile persuaded him.


"Gnarly! C'mon man!" Oliver reached out his hand, to pull Randy out. Randy, of course, took it carefully, his bandages crinkilng due to age.

And the two set on their way to Oliver's apartment.

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