Because my life sucks, how about you? [2]

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So. On the way to the apartment, Randy discovered two things:

1: Oliver smells like strawberries and cherries. Which, in Randy's opinion, is the greatest smell ever.
2: Randy is touch starved as fuck.


He had to walk side by side with Oliver, because he doesn't know where Oliver lives. (Of course he doesn't, he's not a fucking stalker. Hasn't even talked to the guy in years.)

And shit he felt like he wanted to attach to the shorter. Fun times, am I right?

Ah, but that's besides the point. The duo made it to the residential place of Oliver Swift, the shorter unlocking the door amd stepping inside, taking off his shoes and walking to the couch, proceeding to flop on it.

Randy, still standing in the door frame, glanced around. He was quite shocked.

Everything...everything seemed damn near spotless.
Randy had never seen anything that clean before.

Randy eventually got half a brain to shut the door. He walked a few steps in, looking around. "I, uh...I like your place." Randy spoke quietly, still taking it all in.

"Thanks dude! I quite like it myself. Because I was the one who decorated it. Obviously." Oliver responded, sitting up and propping himself up a little from his spot on the sofa.

Randy chuckled a little at that, walking further into the house, standing there. Awkwardly. Like the social reject he is.

"You...can sit down. You know that, right?" The shorter spoke after a few minutes, having sat up fully.

"O-Oh- Yeah, yeah- sorry." Randy spoke quickly and tense sounding, finally sitting down on Oliver's couch.

"Don't apologize, dude! You just seemed like you could sit down somewhere that isn't full of trash and broken glass." Oliver joked, making Randy laugh quietly.

"Yeah- I know, sorry."

"Dude, I just said to not apologize!"

"I'm sorry it's a habbit-"


They both laughed for a bit.

Then the duo started to talk, catch up, that sorta thing. Oliver cracking really shit jokes, Randy laughing at them because he is a social reject with no life, stuff like that. It was a fun interaction/conversation.

If Randy was being honest, he wouldn't have it any other way.

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