part 13,14,15

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Part 13
y/n : ( I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach)
It's ok sir
Mr . Kim : ok
She left and she is doing her pending work
And she take a break in that time she is walking in Corridor and Mr . Kim also arriving opposite side at a time

y/n felts dizzy and she fainted in Mr . Kim's arms
Mr . Kim : y/n ! y/n ! wake up ! What happened
Oh god (he carried in bridal style and drove to hospital )
Ara : y/n ! Sir what happened to her
Mr . Kim : I don't know pls check her doctor
Ara : ok wait outside
Mr . Kim : oh god what happened to her pls save her
Ara arrives to Mr . Kim

Ara : sir ! Nothing happened she is fainted due to lack of rest she needs some rest and sir give a leave to take rest she is very weak now
Mr . Kim : ok I'll take care
y/n : sir ! It's ok I'm fine
Mr . Kim : I'm granting leave y/n u must be take rest now
y/n : but , sir !.......
Mr . Kim : no buts come I'll drop in ur home

y/n : ok sir (but why he is so care he is very pretty look , y/n losts there)
Mr . Kim : y/n ! Where you lost
y/n : no.. nothing sir I'm here
He left in ur appartment and you arrived and felt asleep in couch itself
At 7 PM
Y/n is sleeping whole day with out break
At another side Mr . Kim called her many times but she didn't picking and that's it he arrived at y/n's home.

Suddenly door bell rings and you are in deep sleep and wake up and walked and opens door with dizzy eyes
She hugged
y/n : yangshi I missed you lot and you have a key , why you rings the bell
That's it Mr . Kim losts there and back hugged and whispered in y/n's ear
Mr . Kim : y/n ! It's me ur boss

y/n : (y/n realised she hugged her boss )
Ohh sorry sir I thought you are yangshi
Mr . Kim : it's ok, can I come in ?
y/n : sure sir
Mr . Kim : y/n y u didn't respond ur calls
y/n : sir I switched off my mobile bcoz it will disturb my sleep
Mr . Kim : so u slept whole day ??

 Kim : so u slept whole day ??

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Part 14 : the first kiss

y/n : sir u said I need rest that's y I slept whole day
Mr . Kim (slightly make laugh)
y/n pov :
Woah he is very good with his smile I'll definitely lost my mind
Mr . Kim : ok y/n u r safe and u r good health now let's take quick dinner this is ur food

And tomorrow is not ur holiday (Saturday)
Bcoz u have lot of work pending
y/n : but sir ! Tmrw is not working day
Anyway I'll come sir !
(He nodded and left)
yangshi arrives
y/n says whole story
yangshi : so u r in love with taehyung and he is also showing some interest
y/n : I think so

yangshi: y/n u know I'm very happy with that woah hurrayyy
y/n : yangshi ! Stop it now !!
Let's take dinner
After that
Time skips
Next day morning
yangshi : y/n ! Where are you going now ?
y/n : office (fake cry )
yangshi : I know bcoz u had lot of work pending
y/n : I'm going bye

She nodded and left there
At office :
y/n sincerely working without disturbance
Suddenly Mr . Kim arrives at ur office
Mr . Kim : y/n come with me
I have to show you something
He grabbed y/n's hand take to his cabin and closed the door make no one can enter
y/n : sir ! What happened

Mr . Kim pins y/n straight to wall and with tight holding wrist
And whispered in ear
y/n make ur works fast and go to home quickly don't take too much stress y/n
y/n pushed Mr . Kim away and said
What is this this is the one u want to say ah ??
She is about to leave

But Mr . Kim grabbed her hand and placed a soft kiss in lips , that's it she lost and melted and kissed him back
This is so much of love and passion towards each other
And sometime they pulled away fr catching air
y/n : I ... I'm sorry sir

Mr . Kim : u don't need to say sorry y/n
I lost completely when I first day I saw you
You know I love you y/n
y/n losts there and she don't know what to say
Y/n : sir I . I'm
Mr . Kim : y/n take ur own time to think and we r not strangers anymore start with friends ok
She nodded and left

 Kim : y/n take ur own time to think  and we r not strangers anymore start with friends ok She nodded and left

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Part 15
y/n explained all to yangshi
Time skips
2 months passed and you are going to Kim's cabin
y/n : tae .... Sorry sir !
You have to go to Germany to attend meeting sir

Tae : y/n , this is ur tae just call me like that
I'm very happy with that name
And u r also coming right ! Bcoz u r my secretary
y/n : ok tae ( seems very happy )
Time skips
At flight :

y/n : tae u know that I'm afraid of heights and I'll not able to handle that situation
Tae : don't worry my princess I'm there fr u this is my private jet ok
Flight is about to fly
Tae : y/n ! Come here (showing his lap ) sit here u will be comfort
y/n : but tae ....
Suddenly tae grabs her and make comfortable to sit in his lap
Both are blushing so hard

Tae : are you ok
y/n : yeah I am ok
And she slept there with tired
Tae : y/n wake up we r here
y/n : yeah I'm ok
Both arrives in Germany , tae joined his fingers to y/n
y/n : tae we are here for official meeting not for personal
Tae : oh common y/n we r here in hotel only single room is available

y/n : tae I know u did this for purpose
tae : no y/n trust me
y/n : Ok anyway u have ur meetings tomorrow so go now and fresh up fast I'll get some food
Tae : ok
Time skips
Next day morning
y/n : tae ! Wake up go and take shower we are going tooo late
tae : y/n ! help me in shower come with me

y/n : stop it tae , we are here for official
We can do this at another day
Now come fast
y/n and tae arrived for meeting
Meeting completed with good results
At evening :
y/n is sitting in coffee shop and waiting for tae
Tae didn't come
y/n sees that tae is apologizing to someone

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