Manny Pacquiao

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These are ways to switch it up and make reader  either question their life choices or want to murder you!

Our main characters name will be Manny Pacquiao

Oh and feel free to use but please do give credit!!

Oh also change up some of the words to make it fit your story. Your main character doesn't have to be named Manny Pacquiao for you to use this and so on.

1. It was all a dream. (MC POV)

(No requirements)

-Insert main character death in excruciating detail- As i Lay there pathetically i feel my eyes get heavy and flash a smile to -insert character holding/kneeling over body- before going in.


"MANNY WAKE UP" Two voices said at once, But I don't want to. "MANNY!" I hear screaming fading away as I feel a drop of water fall on my face, causing me to open my eyes and sit up really fast.

I look around and see a familiar bedroom. With some i know all too well staring at me all confused. I rub my eyes and look around again, It couldn't have been what i think it is right?

No, No No No, I started tearing up. I could feel it.

"Manny? You okay..?" The familiar figure said.

"What happened.." I replied


"It's You!"

"-Insert major friendly character that disappeared/died -!" I knew They were Familiar!

"Huh-" I cut them off as i Hugged them tightly

"Woahoho what happened to you?"

"Well uh-" I took a pause as -insert major friendly character that disappeared/died- looked at me with confusion in their eyes, awaiting for my answer.

"It's a very, very long story."

"Awwwww cmonnn"

"Fine. Well it all started when"


I will keep editing this chapter so be on the lookout

2.Trippyy (you can also comebavk to the series later if you'd like to give the readers peace of mind

(Your mc should be experiencing side effects of drugs before this ending)
(Your mc should ingest something "strange", and the characters should be acting strange a few chapters before this ending)

(Things must be going better than usual in the chapters leading up to this one)

-Insert scene where characters are hanging out before final boss-

"I can't believe our journeys almost over!" Said -character one-

"I know right? And all because of -insert thing mc ingested-"said -character two-

"Huh? What.. do you mean?" Manny thought.

"Who said that?" Manny thought again

And just like that -char1- and -char2- Looked at each other.

"I'm sorry, we were so close too." -2- said

"What did -char 2- mean by that?" Manny said to themself, they didn't get it.

" (You) I (Should not) shouldn't (have) have (said) said (that) that. (-2-)" -Character one and two- said in sync.

"Yeah.. I know they said it in sync" Manny said.

"WHOS THERE?" Oh silly Manny, Nobody is!

-Character one- and -character two-s Faces started melting.

Manny starts screaming in horror and confusion, Crying as everything around them starts melting too.

The used to be -Insert place they were staying at- melted into a pure black Hellscape.

Manny looked around, still sobbing and crying, violently.

Manny, still confused and scared. Curled up into a ball. And in the void of darkness they started screaming and crying louder, no one could hear her anyway

They were desperate, for something, someone, somewhere, anything to save them. They didn't know what was next. And they were scared of that.

A few seconds later she heard something.

Not something, Someone

They looked up from her tear soaked arms, eyes filled with hope.

They looked around.

To see the sillouettes of her two "friends", calling for them.

It would be rude to not go to them right?

And with that thought the sillouettes started violently waving their arms towards them.

Violently enough that if you saw them waving their arms at you on the street they would either be

one of your old friends you haven't seen in awhile a ,crackhead ,or trying to get your attention to save you or something.

Just as thet were walking towards them, a white light came into their view.

Almost blinding, it was blinding.

Looking into that light they saw something, familiar.

The light blinded them enough that, they couldn't see the the face. Only the sillouette.

And they still couldn't make out who's sillouette it was.

IT was cut off near the shoulders.

Darker figures started surrounding all of them.

And the light..

I came closer.

And closer..

So close..

Their train of thoughts was stopped as -1- Ran to her and pushed them.

And then, they realized.

They weren't in a black wasteland, they were in the middle of street of the city they grew up in.

And -1- had pushed them out of the way of a -Vehicle- driven by their -guardian figure-

And tears started streaming down their face as they realized what would happen to -1- and what had happened to them too.

They had gotten serverely sick because of the thing they had ingested.

And they started hallucinating because of it.

All of it.

It wasn't real.

Nothing was real.

Except for what would happen next.

In a flash of a second -1- got run over by the -Vehicle- as -2- screamed in the background, and the worst part? The -Vehicle- didn't even stop.

Tears started streaming down their face too.

This was the worst high in their life.



3. Omg is that a ghost?

*Doesn't update chapter for 10 years*

4. Ok

"I'm starting a new book y'all!"

*Never updates books*

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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